Finance Homework 320/350
"Globalization andInternational Investing" Please respond to thefollowing:Provide youropinion on whether average investors should or should not include investmentsfrom other countries in their portfolio. Support your opinion with an example.Determine whetheror not globalization has any effect on the selection of investments. Supportyour position."Hedge Funds" Pleaserespond to the following:Predict two waysthat the hedge fund incentive fee may affect a manager’s proclivity to take onhigh-risk assets in the portfolio. Support your prediction.Provide two reasonswhy it is more difficult to assess the performance of a hedge fund portfoliomanager than it is to assess the performance a typical mutual fund manager."Bank Performance " Please respondto the following:Considering thebank you currently use, create performance criteria and then rate your bankagainst the criteria you developed. Make a suggestion for one area ofimprovement based on your evaluation. Speculate howcommercial banks will perform overall throughout the next three years as theeconomy rebounds. Then, determine the economic consequences for thisperformance. Provide examples or evidence to support your answer. "Thrift Operations" Pleaserespond to the following:Determine the risksthat are unique to thrift operations compared to commercial banks. Describe how the thrift should manage each risk identified. From thee-Activity, generate an opinion about the overall health of thrifts compared tohow banks performed during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, anddetermine what lessons can be learned.
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