General Psychology, writing homework help
General PsychologyThere are manyfamous historical biographies, but this project is not limitedto fame. Thereare interesting artists, dancers, musicians, community leaders,everydayheroes, military soldiers etc. Find a person that you want to investigate asyour casestudy.Choose aperson with a published biography and write an 8-10-page case studyinvestigation.Your case study should be formatted and presented according to theorder below.Part 1: Biography and Influence (1.5 - 2 pages in length)A. Introduction1. Theintroductory paragraphs of your paper should include:a. A hook oranecdote to engage the audience.b. A thesisstatement/argument.i. What isyour thesis or argument you are presenting about the personyou haveselected?Hook/thesis statement example: Running amarathon is no easy feat,many peoplewould never dream of taking on such a task, but for SammyWanjirurunning is a way of life. Great runners are not born running, sowhat makesthem become champion runners?c. Threeselected psychological theories.i. What threetheories are you going to choose to support yourargument?d.Limitations, biases, and ethical concerns.i. Whatlimitations, biases, and ethical concerns do you think you willencounter?B. Chronological summary ofbiography subject1. In thesecond half of the introduction to your paper:a. Give aquick summary of the biography of the subject you read.b. Include avivid picture of your person’s history and developmentalinfluences.i. What washappening in the person’s family at the time? What was the familydynamic like?General Psychologyii. What wasthe person’s family environment like? Were there any genderexpectationsput upon the individual?Example: If your selected subject was GeorgeWashington, the main focus ofyour summarycould be on his being the first president of the United States andthe lifeevents that ultimately shaped him into that person.Part 2: Theoretical Perspectives (Suggested length: 5- 6 pages)A. Select Psychological Theories (Suggested length: 2.5 - 3 pages)1. Selectthree major theories within the field of psychology and provide a richdescription and breakdown of each theory. These three theories will be used todevelop thesubsequent section of influences and outcomes of the biographysubject.a. Choosethree of the major psychology theories below:i. Biologicalii.Evolutionaryiii.Psychoanalyticiv.Behaviorismv. Cognitivevi. Humanisticand existentialvii.Socioculturalviii.Socio-emotional developmentix. MoralDevelopmentb. Yoursummary should explain the three theories and provide a robust overviewof:i. Thetheories and facets of the theories.ii.Contributing psychologists.iii.Inspiration for the theories.iv. Studiesand examples that help to showcase the theories.Example: Behaviorism-rewards vs, avoid punishment, B.F. Skinnerand OperantConditioning.People behave in certain ways to reap reward or to avoidpunishment.For example: a basketball player might practice more to become astarter and tomake more money.General PsychologyB. Application of Theoretical Perspectives (Suggested length: 2.5- 3 pages)1. In thissection, logically discuss the developmental influencing factors andlife outcomesas related to each of the three theories selected.a. For eachtheory, provide key points of the theoretical perspective tosupport theapplication of the theory to the life events and outcomes ofthe person youselected.b. For eachtheory, give examples of your subject’s developmentalinfluences andlife outcomes to support the theoretical perspective.c. Make sureyour theoretical perspective key points are clear andaccurate, andnecessary biographical examples are appropriately used.d. This sectionshould include relevant examples regarding thetheory andpredictions of behavior based on the theory.Example: Here you will articulate how therelevant principles, processes, andconcepts ofbehavior from evolutionary psychology explain the influencing factorssuch as themovement of wanting change during that time period and adapting tothe new lands,climate and living conditions. Outcomes of George Washington’slife mightinclude the evolutionary perspective of motivationof carrying on geneticlines, adaptationand being able to adapt to new environments etc. The outcomeis to concurand dominate based on survival.Part 3: Biases and Ethical Concerns (Suggestedlength: 1.5 - 2 pages)Provide acritical review of the construction of your research (biography orbiographies asevidence or documented data). Refer to the research andtheoreticalsections of your course if you need additional help.A. Identify and review biases and limitations in your research1. Identify atleast three biases/limitations and discuss the impacts on thecredibility;at least one must be specific to your biography.a. Biases andlimitation can include:i. Theperspective of who wrote the biography.ii. Historicalinfluences.iii. Missingdata.iv. Acomparison of qualitative vs. quantitative types of research.v. Ethicalconcerns of collecting data.vii.Credibility of artifact data.viii. Memoryrecollection or subjectivity of the subject.ix. Societalviews that could influence the author’s perspective.General Psychologyx. Theauthor’s credibility and association to the subject.xi. How theinformation was obtained (first-hand source or secondhand).xii. Ethicalviolations against the American Psychological Association.b. Considerany research limitations, biases, or ethical problems thatmight bepresent in your research.c. Thissection must demonstrate scholarly work and be supported bycredibleresources (your text book and other professional sources).Example: In our example of George Washington,you may want to focus on thepossiblebiases of the author of a biography on this figure who occupies such aprimary rolein the history of a nation. You might address the “mythological”proportionssuch a figure has taken in the culture of the author of the biographyand how thatcould impact the way that George Washington’s life was presentedin thebiography; you might address the idea that historical data and stories(qualitativedata) can get skewed over time, or only give one perspective; or youmight discussrecollection and the idea that biographies are a collection ofmemories thatdo not always paint an accurate story.Part 4: Conclusion (Suggested length: 1- 1.5 pages)A. Synthesis of Material1. Theconclusion should synthesize the material and should be a restatement ofthe thesis,and the sections of your paper. Your conclusion should clearly include:a. Thebiography summation.b. Thetheoretical perspectives explored in your project.c. A review ofthe theories’ strongest theoretical agreements that exemplifyparticularbehaviors of the subject.d. The ethicalconcerns and biases.e. Aconcluding thought.i. Aconcluding statement should link to the thesis statement in theintroductionand state what you have learned from completing thisproject. Theconclusion should leave the reader with a feeling ofhow the writerfeels about the investigation of the biography.Part 5: Paper GuidelinesA. APA Formatting and Page LengthGeneral Psychologyformatting.Your paper should be:a. 8-10 pagesin length.b. This doesnot include the reference page or a title page should youconstruct one;tittle page is not required.c. Include aminimum of 5 references.d. Use APAin-text citing for all references.e. Include aproperly formatted reference page and in-text citing thatshould match the reference page
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