Create a budget for an artist management company
For this assignment I need someone to create a budget for an Artist Management (Music Industry) company. 1.) You will only need to focus on expenses direct cost. What direct costs are associated with the project? How much money will I need for each? Remember direct costs can be things like equipment rental (e.g. microphone), materials (e.g. gift bags) , travel (e.g. rental car), marketing (e.g. website brochures) , vendors (e.g. caterer) , labor (e.g. graphic design), your fee etc. Think outside the box and come up with as many expenses that relate to my artist management company and timeline. 2.) After coming up with a list of direct cost and assigning a total amount to each item, you will need to take a look at the timeline (attached) and spread this amount over a period of time. For example, one of my cost is web design, if my total cost is $5000 I might decide to pay the designer $3000 the first month, $1500 the second month and $500 the last month based on the amount of work you expect them to do during that time period.You will have to do some research to create this budget. You can use excel table to show the costs, you can create a chart or table. Please also include the table and charts in a presentation format. Be sure to show how much every item cost, a payment schedule, and the total cost of your project. please ask me if you have any questions. I will attach my timeline. thanks,.
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