description of the purpose/need/rationale for the IT project, engineering homework help
For the Portfolio Project, you will have one of two projects fromwhich to choose. For Option #2, you have been hired as an IT manager fora new campus to set up the IT infrastructure over a six- month periodin four phases. An educational institution is setting up a new campuswhich will house classrooms, offices, a library, a student lounge,registrar’s office, and an academic support center for students.You will incorporate Phases 1-3 in your Portfolio Project as atechnological proposal. Phases 1-3 serve as the basis of the projectdeliverable section in the technological proposal, which you will submitas a full project in Module 8.Phase 1:Statement of the Problem or Need: Write adescription of the purpose/need/rationale for the IT project at thecampus. What problem(s) are you planning to solve at the campus?Project Deliverables: Write a description of thenecessary hardware components and software to set up computer systemsfor the educational institution. Phase 1 of the Portfolio Project is duein Module 2.Keep in mind that you will update the project deliverablesection as you complete different phases and when you receive feedbackfrom your instructor.Phase 2:Project Beneficiaries: Write a description of who will derive direct benefit from the project and how they will benefit.Project Deliverables: Write a description of thecomputer network hardware necessary to set up the computer networks andthe necessary software and protocols.Keep in mind that you will update the project deliverablesection as you complete different phases. Phase 2 of the PortfolioProject is due in Module 4. Phase 3:Assumptions and Constraints: Write adescription of any assumptions and constraints regarding the project.Are there any assumptions made so far or constraints identified in theproject? Are there any constraints or anything that would restrict theability to achieve the IT project objectives successfully?Project Deliverables: Write a description of whatis necessary to acquire and install the computer and network securityhardware and software. Phase 3 of the Portfolio Project is due in Module6.In Phase 4 you will include revisions based onfeedback from your instructor and you will incorporate what you havelearned throughout the term. Your technological proposal should includethe following: Statement of the Current Problem: Describe the purpose/need/ rationale for the IT project. What problem is this IT project designed to address?Project Deliverables and Project Beneficiaries:Describe the objective of the IT project; what is the IT project is toachieve, create, or deliver. Please identify who will derive a directbenefit from the expected outcome and how they will benefit from theproject.Time Factors: Are there any time factors, such asdeadlines, that should be considered in your IT implementation proposal?Create a timeline for implementation.Qualifications: Write a short description of your qualifications.Project Assumptions and Constraints: Are there anyassumptions made so far or constraints identified in the project? Arethere any constraints or anything that would restrict the ability toachieve the IT project objectives successfully?Project Risks: Are there any risks associated withthe IT project? For instance, will there be data that should not beavailable to the public? Are there any risks that might prevent asuccessful project outcome?Project Expenses: Please indicate what IT expenseswill be associated with this project as well as the sources for funding.Provide the most accurate estimates that you can, which includes thecost to complete the project and maintenance after the project.The Portfolio Project should meet the following requirements:Ten to twelve pages (minimum) in length, not including the cover and reference pages.
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