Find two articles which somehow misrepresent or misuse quantum physics, writing homework help
Find two articles which somehow misrepresentor misuse quantum physics. For each article, explain in detail- what are the concepts that the articles are misusing?- how are they being misinterpreted or misused?- what is the correct version of the concepts?The more reputable, and widely-read, the site the articles come from, thebetter!As a conclusion, based on the two articles you're discussing, what general advicewould you give to your own students when browsing the internet and discoveringarticles that make some quantum physics-based claims? What are the red flagsyou would look for? How would you go about fact-checking the article?Cite your sources (including discussion posts) fully.This project should be about 4-5 pages (single spaced, 12pt font), and besuccinct but complete. That amounts to 1-1.5 pages per article, and 1-1.5 pagesfor the summary and conclusions, and 0.5-1 page for the references.
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