Contenders of the earliest hominins , biology homework help
Extra credit project (5 points)Fossil Map Fossils:1. Contenders of the earliest hominins Sahelanthropus tchadensisOrrorin TugenensisArdipithecus kadabba & A. ramidus2. AustralopithecusA. anamensisA. afarensis (Lucy)A. bahrelghazaliA. garhiA. africanusA. sedibaP. aethiopicusP. boiseiP. robustus3. Homo H. habilis H. rudolfensis H. erectus: Java man peking man Turkana boySibling species of H. erectus: H. georgicus H. antecessor H. floresiensis Neanderthals (location of first discovery)Oldest modern human Instructions:Please find a world map and map fossils at the location where it was firstdiscovered. Your map will be judged based on accuracy.
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