Technology in the Fashion Industry, English homework help
Extra Credit Assignment 1 AssignmentResearch paper in MS WordTopicTechnology in the Fashion IndustryThis is a very broad topic. You can focus on the productive side (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) or you can focus on changes or innovative technology. RequirementsLength: 3-5 pages (excluding title and reference)Style: APA (hint, search for a Word template (click File, New, key APA style in search box)References: 5-10 (properly cited within the document and a properly formatted References page)RubricPointsTopicOn topic and logically organized10Length3-5 pages (excluding title and references)10Style, etc.Properly formatted for APA10Correct spelling and grammar20Complete and coherent sentences20Correct punctuation10ReferencesCorrect number (5-10)5Correctly formatted10Reference page5Total100
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