take Simple Boolean Algebra Test ,Algebra homework help
Explore the underlying structure that unites Logic and Set Theory. Outline Read Chapter 9 Research:Boolean Algebra Answer the questions below. Refer to the attached for table, for questions 6&7. Instructions Answer the following questions. Present your answers in a MSWord Document named LastName_FirstInitial_Proj1. Research What is a Boolean Variable? Create a table demonstrating the Boolean Operations complement, addition, and multiplication. { ,+,}note: you can use instead of the overline in this project Calculate the result for the boolean function: f(x,y) = (xy) + (xy) for the following inputs x = 1 and y = 1 : f(1,1) = ? x = 0 and y = 1 : f(0,1) = ? How many Boolean functions on two variables are there? What does functionally complete mean? What is a literal? Given the Boolean Variables x and y, what are the associated four literals? What is a minterm? Given the Boolean Variables x and y, what are the associated four minterms? Identify the four functions from the Table 3 that correspond to each minterm. What is disjunctive normal form? Given the Boolean Variables x and y, give the Boolean function in disjunctive normal form for functions F9 and F11. Demonstrate 9. Using the variables x and y, create a table listing all the Boolean functions on two variables. Be sure to give them in disjunctive normal form. All other formats will earn 0 points. 10. Using the propositions P and Q, list the equivalent characterizations of your Boolean functions as compound propositions. Translate from your list above and do not simplify. Bonus Question: Prove You read that {, +, } is functionally complete. Demonstrate that {} is functionally complete. (You should provide evidence/proof of any equations you write here.)Attachments:booleanalgebraproject_7ab4e180-0c8f-41e9-b90e-c017a815b1d4.pdf
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