Explain the relevance of sight and seeing in the play Oedipus Rex, history homework help
Essay: Typed, double space. Pick one of the following topics and write a3 paragraph essay answering it. Spelling, structure, grammar, and logic will beevaluated along with factual accuracy. . a) Explain therelevance of sight and seeing in the play OedipusRex. In your answer, you will want to consider what Sophocles means byblindness, and how the idea of blindness applies to certain characters in theplay. b) In the Torah, God is portrayed in manydifferent ways. His personality ranges from nurturing to vindictive, tojealous, to angry. Pick three different portrayals of God in the Torah and support each with examplesfrom the text using either quotes or stories. Note: if you use a story, thenyou should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of that story.
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