Effects of Crime on Victims and Communities, science homework help
Effects of Crime on Victims and CommunitiesThe terrorist attacks of 9/11 claimedthousands of lives in New York, Washington DC, and rural Pennsylvania. Theindividuals killed during these attacks were not the only victims. Thousands ofothers were injured and thousands more had their families torn apart.Neighborhoods near the attack sites were affected, block after block ofbuildings were demolished, and people were fearful to return to the vicinity ofthe crime. Businesses in lower Manhattan were forced to evacuate in theimmediate aftermath of the attacks and several closed forever or relocated to otherboroughs. The costs in terms of loss of jobs, property, and commerce werestaggering (Bram et. al, 2002; Thompson, 2002; Templeton & Lumley,2002). In addition, the American people as a community were victimized bythe trauma of those events and the threat of future terror attacks. TheAmerican way of life changed in many ways to adjust to the new climate ofwatchfulness. For this Discussion, select a crimethat has occurred in your community within the past five years (since you willbe analyzing effects on the victim, do not select a murder case). Consider bothshort- and long-term effects on the victim, as well as on the larger community.Post byDay 4 a briefdescription of the crime you selected. Then explain one possible short-termeffect and one possible long-term effect on the victim. Finally, explain onepossible short-term effect and one possible long-term effect of victimizationon the community. One and a halfpage with at least two reference....Itis important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment.Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting anexplanation from the readings.Toget maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for thisassignments1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3)createSUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4)Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLESAND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReadingsDavis, R.C., Lurigio, A. J., & Herman, S. (Eds.). (2013). Victims of crime (4thed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapter 4,Developmental Victimology: The Comprehensive Study of ChildhoodVictimizationsChapter18, The Mental Health and Behavioral Consequences of Terrorism Kunst, M.,Bogaerts, S., Wilthagen, T., & Winkel, F. (2010). Income attainmentamong victims of violence: Results from a preliminary study. SocialIndicators Research, 95(1), 169180. Winkel, F.W., Blaauw, E., Sheridan, L., & Baldry, A. C. (2003). Repeat criminalvictimization and vulnerability for coping failure: A prospectiveexamination of a potential risk factor. Psychology, Crime, and Law, 9(1),8795. MediaLaureateEducation, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Effects on victimization. Baltimore, MD: Author. TranscriptTRANSCRIPTEffects of Victimization Multimedia ProgramTranscriptINTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH:Look out!Theres a reckless driver in City Center, and he has already caused twohit-and-run accidents just this morning!Channel 4 News reporter Jill Joseph is on the case, and she justinterviewed each hit-and-run victim. Watch the interview footage and see howthe same crime is having two very different effects on the people who areinvolved. RonsCase REPORTER (OFF CAMERA): Can you tell uswhat happened? RON:Sure.I was on my way to meet a client and BOOM!This pickup truck just came out of nowhere, blew right through a redlight and almost hit me dead on. I just happened to swerve out of his way atthe last second. He still hits me, andsmashes up my entire drivers side, my airbags go off, I cant even see whatshappening. It was pretty scary. I wound up hitting the curb, and I guess hejust kept on going on like nothing happened. REPORTER(OC): Doyou feel like the police were responsive to this incident? RON:Ohyeah, the police were there pretty much right after it happened. They dont like the idea of some crazyhit-and-run, especially in the middle of the day when there could be kidsaround. I know they do have speedcameras at some of these intersections, so maybe they can check those photosand find out that guys license plate.Because if they can, then maybe his insurance would have to pay for allthis instead of mine. I mean, I dontsee why my company should have to pay a higher premium next year just becausesome idiot hit me, you know? REPORTER(OC): Whatdid your insurance company tell you when you told them youd been in ahit-and-run? RON:Theywere great. They told me not to worry about it.Im insured through my job, so they pay full coverage, full collision,full everything. No deductible. Although, really, the guy who hit me shouldbe paying for all this, right? But who knows where he is? Probably out there,smashing into someone else. REPORTER(OC): Sowhat happens to your car now? RON:Beatsme. Either its totaled or its not. My company has a contract that guaranteesme a new car every two years anyway, but it looks like maybe I might be gettingmy next car a little ahead of schedule. Though, right now, Im just waiting onmy rental. My insurance covers that, too.Full rental coverage, every day, until I get my old car back or til Iget a new one. Plus, Im a preferredmember, so theyll actually bring the car out to me here. Hope whoeversdriving it right now is extra careful out there. LisasCase REPORTER (OFF CAMERA): Can you tell uswhat happened? LISA:Iwas leaving the daycare center, where I drop my kids off in the morning beforeI go to work I do housekeeping at one of the hotels downtown and I guessthis pickup truck just didnt see me, because I pull out of the parking lot andhes just speeding right through the turning lane and POW! He spins my wholecar around and he just keeps right on going. I dont know if he was scared orwhat, but he never stopped. I was scared too! Now my car wont start, so I hadto pay to have it towed here. REPORTER(OC): Arethe police involved at this point? LISA:Notreally. An officer did finally come out to the scene, but he said there reallywasnt anything he could do. He told me I could fill out a report, but he saidso many cars get hit or stolen in that neighborhood, he said that finding thisguy would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. So, I guess Im on myown.REPORTER(OC): Whatdid your insurance company tell you when you told them youd been in ahit-and-run? LISA:Oh,my insurance wont pay for something like this. I cant afford a fancy policy,so this is all coming out of my pocket and I have no idea where Im going tofind this kind of money. Im already in trouble at work as it is because ofthis. I called my boss and told him what happened, and he told me I could use asick day today to get my car sorted out.But then he called me back and said he checked my paperwork, and I onlyhave a half day of sick day left for the year.So if I dont get to work right after lunch, Ill lose a whole dayspay. But I have to take at least twobuses to get back downtown from here, so I dont know what Im gonna do. REPORTER(OC): Sowhat happens to your car now? LISA:Youreally want to know? I kind of hope theycant fix it. Because if they tell methey could fix it, Ill have to pay almost all of it myself. But if they tell me its totaled, then myinsurance will pay me for whatever my cars worth right now. And it wont be much, but at least I coulduse that money to buy another used car.Otherwise, Im going to have to pay to fix a car that probably isnteven worth repairing, all because some guy decided to hit me and just keepgoing.
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