Leadership and Public Policy, sociology homework help
Effective leadership is essential to successful democraticgovernance. Different leaders have different styles. Ghandi and MartinLuther King Jr. preached passive resistance, whereas Dwight Eisenhowercommanded one of the greatest military forces ever assembled. NelsonMandela preached forgiveness. All of these men shared a love of peaceand accomplished great deeds. Strong leaders also may have a greatimpact on public policy formulation and implementation. Leaders mayinfluence what policies are enacted and how they are implemented. Thus,leadership is a significant tool of democracy. As you approach thisDiscussion on leadership, think about leaders whom you admire and thegreat public policy successes they achieved. Reflect on the leadershipstyles they used to accomplish their goals, bearing in mind that thereare many different ways to be an effective leader when it comes toinfluencing public policy.To prepare for this Discussion:Selecttwo articles or book excerpts from this weeks Learning Resources. Takenote of broad themes about leadership and public policy in the readingsthat you choose.Peruse periodicals, the Internet, and otherresources for examples of leaders who you think have been effective inimplementing public policy.Think about leadership styles that may be effective in implementing public policy.Recall monumental leadership figures, such as Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr., and consider what made them effective leaders.Consider the influence political leaders might have in the public policy arena.Selecttwo leaders, at least one of which from your country, who are or havebeen effective in implementing public policy and think aboutsimilarities and differences in terms of their effectiveness inimplementing public policy.Consider the importance of leadership as a tool for implementing public policy.With these thoughts in mind:Write abrief description of each of the leaders you selected. Then, explainsimilarities and differences among them in terms of their effectivenessin implementing public policy. Finally, based on your comparison,analyze how various leadership styles enable the development andimplementation of public policy.Be sure to support yourpostings and responses with specific references to the LearningResources while adhering strictly to APA style of reference.ReadingsNote:Youare required to select and read two of the following articles or bookexcerpts (of your choice) to complete this weeks Discussion. Pleasereview the Discussion area for more details.Blair, R. (2001). Managing urban growth: Can the policy tools approach improve effectiveness?Public Works Management and Policy,6(2), 102113.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Boin, A., & Christensen, T. (2008). The development of public institutions: Reconsidering the role of leadership.Administration and Society,40(3), 271297.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Sandfort,J., Selden, S. C., & Sowa, J. E. (2008). Do government toolsinfluence organizational performance? Examining their implementation inearly childhood education.The American Review of Public Administration,38(4), 412438.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Schneider, A., & Ingram, H. (1990). Behavioral assumptions of policy tools.Journal of Politics,52(2), 510529.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Haberman, F. W. (Ed). (1972). Martin Luther King Jr.: Biographical. InNobel lectures. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Retrieved June 2, 2014, fromhttp://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio.htmlThe Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies. (2003).Policy tools and government performance. Retrieved fromhttp://ccss.jhu.edu/publications-findings?did=242May, P. (n.d.).Social regulation workbook. Retrieved fromhttp://ccss.jhu.edu/publications-findings?did=61The White House. (n.d.a).Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved fromhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/AbrahamLincoln/The White House. (n.d.b).Franklin D. Roosevelt. Retrieved fromhttp://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/franklindroosevelt/The White House. (n.d.c).George Washington. Retrieved http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/georgewashington/Document:Case Study: The Winds of Change (PDF)MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2014g).Tools of democracy[Audio file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Inthis media piece, a subject-matter expert discusses what leadershiplooks like in public policy and considers effective leadershipprinciples and practices in public policy.Optional ResourcesPrewitt, K. (1965).Political socialization and leadership selection.The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,361(1), 96105.The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science by Prewitt, K., in theANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 361(1).Copyright 1965 by Sage Publications Inc. Journals. Reprinted bypermission of Sage Publications Inc. Journals via the CopyrightClearance CenterWiatr, J. J. (1988).Introduction: Political leadership from a comparative perspective.International Political Science Review, 9(2), 9194.Introduction:Political leadership from a comparative perspective by Wiatr, J. J., inInternational Political Science Review, 9(2). Copyright 1988 by SagePublications Inc. Journals. Reprinted by permission of Sage PublicationsInc. Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.Biography.com. (2007).Mary Harris Jones biography. Retrieved fromhttp://www.biography.com/people/mother-jones-9357488#awesm=~oD1ZtFBlw9BDRU
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