Describing and defining emotional intelligence, discussion help
DiscussionA woman was neardeath from a rare kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thoughtmight save her. The drug was expensive to make ($20,000 per dose), but thedruggist was charging ten times that ($200,000 per dose!). The sick woman'shusband, Jimmy, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could onlyget together about $35,000, which was still more than the cost of the drug. Hetold the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper orlet him pay later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug and I'mgoing to make money from it.” So Jimmy got desperate and broke into the man'slaboratory and stole the drug for his wife.1. Describing and defining emotionalintelligence.2. Evaluating the role of morals inorganizational leadership (what are they; are they important; how do theyaffect leadership?).Responding to the Story by:1. Stating whether you believe Jimmy should orshould not have stolen the drug.2. Justifying your response with at least threedifferent arguments.3. Describing three reasons why the otherperspective would be preferred (that is, if you said Jimmy should have stolenthe drug, provide three reasons why he should not have; if you said Jimmyshould not have stolen the drug, provide three reasons why he should have).4. Creating two alternative solutions to theproblem that might satisfy the needs of all parties.5. Explaining what you think this moral challengehas to do with organizational leadership.
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