They Say, I Say Essay, English homework help
Describing a Larger ConversationTopic: The article below (link) from theThey Say, I Say blog and search twoarticles on thesame issue( and explain the different perspectives on this issue.Rather than presenting the issue as having two sides (for or against),explain more than twopoints of view, showing the complexity of the issue.You will not respond to this issue, so all ofthe views must come from the texts.Format: The essay should be 4 pages, and include a works citedpage. The MLA-style works cited page should include the essay from the text and the essay from the blog for a total of two essays. The essay must include at least fourquotations, which must be correctly formatted using MLA-style parenthetical citation for thepage numbers,and at least four templates, including at least one to introduce a quotation (46)and one to explain a quotation (47).(this is in the link of the book, at the end starts from book pg 221)Please keep in mind as you write each part, you should not assume the audience is completelyfamiliar with the articles you have of the article: of the book:
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