Define the following terms: CERCLA, Superfund, RCRA, environmental science homework help
Define the following terms: CERCLASuperfundRCRAHazardous Waste Tracking System Manifest SystemNational Priorities List (NPL)Remedial ActionRemoval ActionSoil-vapor extractionToxic Release Inventory (TRI)LandfarmingIn SituEx SituVadose ZoneBioventingAir SpargingUnder RCRA, what is the definition of hazardous waste?List the four physical characteristics which may result in a waste being categorized as hazardous.Define acronym CERCLA and briefly describe the main focus of this federal regulation? Define superfund?Briefly explain the Love Canal incident in the context of Hazardous Waste.Define acronyms SARA, TRI, and EPCRA with brief explanations of these regulations.What is the difference between Removal and Remedial Actions?Review the top 20 Environmental Contaminants in Table 12.2. Choose your three, list them and explain historical sources and your specific concern regarding these contaminants.Be familiar with acronyms like TCE, PCE, CF, BTEX, PAH, PCB, and DDT with their major uses in the past/or present.What are the top three inorganic contaminants found in the National Priority List Superfund sites?What are the sources for those contaminants (you listed for Q.10)?What are the environmental Factors affecting Microbial Metabolism in remediation efforts?What are the optimums for those environmental factors (like pH: 5.5 8.5)What does in-situ Remediation mean?What are alternative schemes to accomplish in-situ? Define each in max 144 characters ( like you are tweeting about them)What does ex-situ Remediation mean?What are alternative schemes to accomplish ex-situ? Define each in max 144 characters ( like you are tweeting about them)
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