Database Management questions, programming homework help
Create an APA formatted MS Word document and answer the following 4 opinion/research questions. Be sure to identify each question you are answering. The final exam paper must be posted to Blackboard by end of the 6th day of the final week of class. Books: Kroenke, D.M. (n.d.). Database Processing Fundamentals (9th ed.) and Blaha,M. R. (n.d.). A Manager's Guide to Database TechnologyQuestion 1:Give three reasons why normalization is important to the current and future development of database technology. Question 2:If someone made the comment: "My data model is a better model of reality than your data model." What would your response to this assertion be?Question 3:Explain how you would use the current files (and record definition) in a company to develop components of the data models. Question 4:Summarize the tasks in the design phase and how you would use them in the development of a database system for your organization?
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