Could you be pushed to commit a horrific crime, psychology homework help
Could you be pushed to commit a horrific crime?Although most individuals can readily predict their response during a stressful situation, recent advancements haverevealed that situational forces can have a far greater impact on ones behavior than previously acknowledged. In fact,discoveries have been revealed which provide shocking insight into human behaviors and abuse. Read the article byHong (2012) and write a two-page review examining how normal individuals can become vulnerable to heinous actswhen placed under certain duress. What can be learned from Zimbardos prison experiment? Can certain correlations bedrawn from the conditions in Abu Ghraib? Could you blindly follow the commands received by an authority figure?Hong, J. K. (2012). The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people turn evil. Army Lawyer, 55-58. Retrieved fromAcademic OneFile database.Tips for locating the article: Locate the article within the CSU Online Library. After you log into your myCSU Student Portalhomepage, click on the CSU Online Library button. Next, go to the Academic OneFile database. Select the index forAuthor and type the name Joon K. Hong in the search box. You should then see the article listed in your choices. Youcan always contact one of the librarians for further assistance.Tips for writing your Article Review: Introduction: This is meant to give a concise overview of the article being discussed, and is usually one paragraphin length. Summary: This contains the summary of the article that gives the general argument(s) and overview of thefeatured author. Analysis: In this portion of the paper, you should provide a review of the article. You should state whether youagree or disagree with the issues that were posed. Furthermore, you should also discuss why you agree ordisagree with the authors viewpoint(s). Do not forget to discuss the importance of this article to the field ofpsychology. You MUST use the material from the textbook to support your opinion. Conclusion: This summarizes your final thoughts for the featured topic.
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