Networking Solution, computer science homework
Comprehensive and Secure Solution Assume you are a consultant to a local business that hasasked you to propose an enterprise-wide solution that includes topology,network devices, IP infrastructure, and network security. The scenario is asfollows:A small accounting firm, ABC Accounting, Inc., landed alarge account a year and a half ago that has already led the company to growfrom five employees to 200 employees and expectations to employ 350 within ayear’s time. In the face of continuing expansion, ABC plans to addoffices in their current building that will span a total of three floors. Atleast one third of ABC employees have laptops and travel often.All ABC employees have Windows 7 computers, which currentlyare not connected to each other.You have been hired as a consultant to provide a detailedtechnical proposal that recommends a solution that addresses each of thedetailed specifications that follow. Your solution regarding each specificationshould comprise a separate section of the body of your proposal.Topology(type of network) and network devicesABCneeds to set up a network and requires clarification regarding the typeof network (or topology) in order to properly configure the connectionsamong all PCs within the organization.Thecompany is looking for guidance regarding the type of network devicesthat will connect the machines together. Brand is not mandated. Thecompany asks that you explain what internal and external networkingcomponents are required (explaining each and justifying WHY you chose thenetwork devices you did).Thenetwork must have the capacity to:Connectall users to company resources (e.g, printers, scanners, and otheritems).Providefile sharing options.Managethese resources in a central location.Allproposals should include cost elements. IPInfrastructureABChas asked that you provide details regarding an IP structure (whichincludes static, DHCP, or the possibility of both, and proper IP Class assignment)that is mindful of the company’s expectation of continued growth.SecurityBasicsecurity has always been in place and now the company would like you tomake this a secure facility to protect against internal and externalsecurity threats.Be sureto include details with respect to:Socialengineering/internal threats.Firewalls/switches.VPN’s.Authentication.Securityprotocols.Vulnerabilityassessment.Your draft proposal should include each of the followingsections, with each preceded by an appropriate heading:Introduction/overviewTableof ContentsBody,including a separate section for each numbered item in the specificationsaboveConclusionAPAReferencesAnyappendices you feel appropriate
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