U.S., Africa, and the World to 1500, history homework help
Clark Atlanta UniversityHIS 201U.S., Africa, and the World to 1500Paper Proposal, Fall 2016Dr. Aubrey UnderwoodBasicsYour Final Project for History 201 is due November 28, and will represent twenty percent of your final grade. For each 24 hours the project is late there will be a penalty of fifteen percent, unless a University Excuse is provided. You will choose your own topic, and the method you want to use to present that topic.Failure to cite sources is plagiarism, which will result in a zero for the assignment.TopicsListed below are some possible topics, but the only real requirement is that the project be connected to a topic/theme covered in this coursethat is, something that happened before 1500 CE. If you wish to focus on a topic/theme not listed below, you just need to send an e-mail for approval.Think Specific:The Origins of Life on EarthEarly Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, etc.)Early Life in the Americas/Asia/African KingdomsGreece or Rome: theres a lot out there on both of these, so please e-mail for approval of specific topicGreek or Roman Philosophy/MythologyThe Caste SystemOrigin of a religion: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, HinduismChinese Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, or LegalismProtestant ReformationFeudalismBlack PlagueRenaissance: as with Rome and Greee, theres a lot to cover, so please e-mail topic for approvalLater Period African Kingdoms: Mali, Ghana, Ethiopia, Swahili City-StatesOr, More Thematic:The Role of Geography in State FormationFamily Life (in any specific civilization)The Changing Roles of Women (or Men)Cultural EncountersComparison of Two Religions/Civilizations/PhilosophiesThe Role of Economics in HistoryThe Role of Music/Literature/Art (in any specific civilizationor studied across two or three?)Fictional Biography: Write the life of someone who lived during one of the time periods coverd in class, showing how at least six historical events shaped that persons life.PresentationWritten Paper Option:If you choose to present yout material in the form of a written paper, it must be at least four, and no more than six, pages long, word-processed in a standard font no larger than 12 point, with one inch margins on all four sides. The paper must have citationsanda bibliography. Students can choose to follow the MLA Style or the Chicago Style, but formattingmust be consistentin the final paper.The paper must be drawn from six distinct sources. Two of these must be full-length books with footnotes and sources of their own; two must be articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals. Each source must be used at least once; failure to use six distinct sources will result in a loss of ten points per source.A hard copy of the research paper must be handed in at the start of class.A rough draft may be handed in for review, but no rough drafts will be accepted after 1 P.M. Monday, 14 November.Multimedia Option:The same requirement as the written paper: six distinct sources, including two full-length books with footnotes and sources of their own, and two must be articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals. Each source must be used at least once; failure to use six distinct sources will result in a loss of ten points per source.With this option, though, you can create a presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, or Tour-Builder. These presentations must include at least 12 slides,as well asa title slide and a bibliography slide. You could also create a movie, live-action or animated, that runs at least 10 minutes. Or maybe you like to write music? Write 10 minutes of original music to get your ideas across. Theres a whole new word of multimedia options, some of which your professor may not even know about. Send an e-mail to explain your approach, so I can approve it, and then go into more detail in your research proposal.GradingResearch Proposal 5The proposal should introduce the general topic of your project, the specific aspect of the topic that you will focus on, why you think this topic is worthy of a research paper. You should also include a description of your planned presentation. The paper proposal is due Friday, September 30thvia CANVAS. Upload as a WORD document.The paper proposal should include the following:An introduction to the topicA thesis statementAn explanation of the type of final product you will produce (paper or multimedia)And a discussion of one source (book, journal article or digital source)The proposal should be approximately 500 words in length.
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