Cindy Hart case study, writing homework help
Cindy Hart is 23 years of age. She was born on 6/11/86, the fourthchild born to Betty Hart (born 6/1/66) and Barney Hart (born 4/11/55).Her father, Barney Hart, was an alcoholic who drank daily and recentlypassed away from cirrhosis of the liver. Mr. Hart was extremely violentwith his wife and his children. He repeatedly beat his wife throughoutthe marriage and was often violent with the children. Cindy and herthree siblings were taken from the custody of their parents severaltimes during their formative years because of their father's drinking,domestic violence, and their mother's inability to protect them. Cindylikely bore the brunt of her father's alcoholism and family violencebecause she was the youngest of her siblings, and her father'salcoholism was severe for the last 12 years before his death. Cindy'sfather could not hold a job because of his alcoholism, and her motherdid not work, so the family had limited funds and finances were always asource of great strain and tension. Cindy's mother was ineffectual andinept as a parent. She allowed repeated beatings of the children by Mr.Hart. Her mental health is questionable.Her older siblings areNoah, age 25; Colleen, age 26; and Laura, age 28. Noah is currentlyincarcerated after recently being found guilty of drug trafficking. Heis to serve a 40-year sentence. Colleen has six children; three of whomhave been removed by Child Protective Services (CPS) because of issuesinvolving drugs, inadequate supervision, and her recent arrests forprostitution. Laura, who is the most stable of the siblings, is married,has one child, and is working full-time as a physician assistant. Shehas no ties with her siblings or her mother.Cindy Hart has neverbeen married and has two children: Benjamin, age 5 and Luke, age 3. Thechildren have different fathers and neither father is involved on aregular basis with either child. Cindy is receiving Temporary Assistanceto Needy Families (TANF) (i.e., welfare) and Medicaid as healthinsurance for the children. She lives in an apartment in a crime-ridden,rundown neighborhood. She did not complete high school and did notgraduate with her class but instead she dropped out in the 11th grade.She had a series of drug binges during this period. She eventually didreceive her GED and is very proud of that fact because only her sisterLaura graduated.Cindy works part-time in a day care center as anaide. She has a history of mental health treatment, which includes twopsychiatric hospital stays (one at the age of 15 and the other at theage of 21). She currently takes antidepressant medication, has a dualdiagnosis (DSM-IV-TR diagnosis plus a substance abuse diagnosis), andhas very few social supports. She sees her psychiatrist monthly formedication consults but has missed her last two appointments. She alsosees her social worker for ongoing mental health counseling twice permonth but has missed her last two appointments.Luke, her3-year-old son, was recently diagnosed with autism, and Ben, her5-year-old son, was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 3(2 years ago). Because she has not followed through with appointments,referrals, services for the children, and additional evaluations of thechildren, CPS has recently become involved. Cindy is in denial about herchildren's special needs. She does not send Ben to school on a regularbasis, and the school has notified the authorities.Assume forpurposes of this scenario that the state this scenario takes place inhas a criminal statute that states parents can be charged with amisdemeanor when they do not ensure their child's attendance at schoolunder the compulsory education laws of the state.Cindy has been charged with this misdemeanor, and the court has released her to pretrial diversion.After reviewing the above scenario of Cindy Hart, do the following:Discuss how this pretrial diversion worker would serve as a case manager in this situation.Include 4 specific tasks the pretrial worker might do as the case manager for Ms. Hart. (e.g., referral).
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