Bibliography you will be required to list the source and provide a brief description of the piece, Research Apply
Checkpoint Assignment 03: Annotated Bibliography To help you in building a good Literature Review, we will gothrough the process of building an Annotated Bibliography. For thisBibliography you will be required to list the source and provide a briefdescription of the piece and why it might be helpful to developing yoursubject. If you are unfamiliar or have forgotten the elements of an AnnotatedBibliography, you can review with the links in the Resource section of thismodule.Sources should principally come from scholarly journals,research thesis, and dissertations. Web pages will not count, though you shouldfeel free to list them in this assignment for later referencing in theliterature review. This is when using Psych Articles through the Library willcome in very handy, though there are also a number of resources on theinternet.You will need to identify a minimum of 25 resources. Thebibliography should be submitted as an APA style reference section and followall APA formatting. If you need help with that you may want to refer to theResource Section of this Module.When completed, upload your document.EXAMPLEE. G. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: Ameta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin,128(4),539-579. Retrieved May 15, 2015, from research provides ameta-analysis discussing the association between corporal punishment and 11child behaviors and experiences. Since the article provides specific findingsand explanations it can be helpful in determining the effects of corporalpunishment and how further research may help clarify the role of corporal punishment.The research is about Moral Development. and this the outlineTitleofPaperYourNameCentral ChristianCollege of KansasPage 2: RunningHead: TitleofPaper2ABSTRACTHighlight this section and enter your abstract here (100-250wordsPage 3 CONTENTSAbstract2Introduction4Statement of the Research ProblemError! Bookmark not defined.Purpose of the StudyError! Bookmark not defined.Hypothesis4Literature Review5Findings6Introduction7Results8Summary, Conclusion, AndRecommendations.9Summary10Conclusions and Recommendations11ReferencesPage 4Running Head: TitleofPaperINTRODUCTIONPlaceTextHerePurpose of the StudyPlaceTextHereResearch Question & HypothesisPlaceTextHerePage 5TitleofPaperLITERATURE REVIEWPlaceTextHerePage 6TitleofPaperFINDINGSIntroductionPlaceTextHereResultsPlaceTextHerePage 7Running Head: TitleofPaperSUMMARY, CONCLUSION,AND RECOMMENDATIONSSummaryPlaceTextHereConclusions and RecommendationsPlaceTextHere
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