Real Estate Appraisals, Business and finance homework help
Chapter one explains the history of appraisal, appraisal practice, appraisal purposes and uses as well as the appraisal field's relationship to Real Estate Financing. According to the lessonthe last major financial crisis in real estate was the savings & loan crisis of the 1980s.After this financial disaster in the 1980s what safeguards were implemented bo preven this from happening again?Is it possible thatactivities in the appraisal industry mightcontributed to the real estate financial crisis of the 2007-2009?Appraisal is defined as "an opinion of value". Appraisals areimportant for the real estate industry and the industry stakeholders, i.e. buyers, sellers, agents, brokers, investors, lenders, borrowers and others. In your opinion what wouldthe situation be if the appraisal industry did not exist?
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