Forensic Science, writing homework help
CaseSummary is seeking you to provide a summary of the case to include key factsand critical issues of this case. There is a 500 word minimumrequired in your summary. Assure this is in your words, nota "cut and paste" from a source. Keep in mind that this isa course on forensics, so assure you mention the forensics efforts in this caseand the impact. CaseAnalysis is seeking specific information about how the doctorcommitted his murders. In the first section it is seekinginformation about his weapon of choice and how it allowed him to not bediscovered for so long. You should include how he was able to usethis weapon without detection. In the second section it is seekingyou to identify his motive. You will find that there was morethan one motive speculated. Assure you identify all of them and give thereasons these were identified as motives.ExecutiveDecision is asking you to take on the role of the lead prosecutor and discussfrom this perspective what evidence and facts were overlooked in the cases bylaw enforcement prior to charges being brought and explain in your opinionif that information could have been used to bring charges and obtain aprosecution earlier in the situation involving the doctor. Remember thatyou are looking at this from a forensic perspective and how that could haveimpacted this earlier if techniques were utilized.Assureyou cite your sources in each section that you use them. Case Study: Use theInternet to research Harold Shipman (aka Dr. Death), the English doctor who isestimated to have killed over 236 of his patients.1.CaseSummaryIn a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issuespresented in the case. Minimum word count is 500 words.Ina narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in thecase. Minimum word count is 500 words.2.CaseAnalysisWhat was Shipman's murder weapon of choice and how did thisweapon allow him to go undetected for so many years?3.CaseAnalysisBased on your research, what did you determine to be Shipman'smotive for the murders?4.ExecutiveDecisionsAs lead prosecutor, determine what evidence or facts the policeoverlooked that could have ended this case sooner. Would those facts andevidence have been enough to convict Dr. Shipman?
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