The Trouble with Aid, sociology homework help
Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following:Identify the most significant problems with the way foreign aid is presentlydispensed by international lending institutions. Then, discuss at least three(3) recommendations that you would make to remedy this situation so that food,medical, and financial assistance actually reaches the poor.respond to following statement:The lendinginstitutions have different methods of providing loans and aid.The mostsignificant problems with the way foreign aid is dispensed by internationallending institutions is that it does not focus on how to really stop corruptionand wasteful spending. This will also hurt the countries that are really in needbecause of their trade policies. Another problem is the way the aid isdistributed and making sure that it's being disbursed in the neededarea.I feel thatall countries that receive foreignaid must be willing to be watched closely tomake sure that those needing the aid is getting what they need.Also thecountries that have promised to give aid to help must follow through with theircommitment unless the country that is reeving the help is not following theguidelines.
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