Ethics Issues - Healthcare Law/Policies and Procedures assignment help
Autonomy Autonomy means "self rule," and it is apatient's most basic right. It is theresponsibility of all health care providers to respect the automony of thepatients they treat. Sometimes, this canbe difficult because it can conflict with the health care provider’s ethicaland moral compass. Moreover, as healthcare professionals we are focused on improving a patient’s health and savinglives. HOW WOULD YOU SOLVE THE ETHICAL ISSUES ON THE BELOW CASE? - WRITE 4-5 PAGES ANALYSIS OF HOW YOU WOULD ADDRESS THE ETHICAL CHALLENGES RAISED IN THE CASE. Please provide a cited works page not included in the 5 pages.Case Scenario: Ms. Glitter goes to the emergency department (“ED”)complaining of severe stomach pain. After physical examination, a CT of theabdomen shows an abdominal aortic aneurysm. This is a weakening of the wall of the aorta which causes it to stretchand bulge. The wall of the aorta weakensas a result of the stretching and can create a situation where if the wall ofthe aorta ruptures, death will ensue within a matter of minutes. The ED physicians inform her that the onlyway to fix the aneurysm is via a surgical approach and that the chances ofsurvival are about 50/50. They also inform her that in making a decision aboutwhether to undergo the surgery, time is of the essence because of the risk ofrupture and imminent death. The woman is an exotic dancer; she worries that thesurgery will leave a scar on her abdomen that will negatively affect herwork. As such, she refuses surgicaltreatment. Even after much pressuring from the physicians, she adamantlyrefuses surgery. Feeling that the woman is not in her correct state of mind andknowing that time is of the essence, the surgeons decide to perform theprocedure without consent. They anesthetize her and surgically repair theaneurysm. She survives, and sues the hospital for millions of dollars.
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