Ownership of the intellectual property, economics homework help
Assignments submitted through this link will be checked using SafeAssignby Blackboard. Your work will not be used for any purpose other thanpreventing plagiarism in the University. Ownership of the intellectualproperty contained in your written work will not be transferred to anythird party.Please submit your paper as a Word Document.If you have the 2010 version of Word, please save your paper in aprevious version (Word 97-2003 document) as Safe Assign may not acceptthe most recent version.Write an outline and a paper on an economics topic from chapters 7 and 8in the Heyne text.Look at the discussion questions at the end of chapters 7 and 8 in theHeyne text for ideas on papers to write. This is only for ideas, you arenot to simply answer the questions. Find something that resonates withyou and write about that.You will write an outline that organizes your paper and includes anintroduction and a conclusion. This is a separate deliverable and isintended to assist students in writing outlines and organization.The papers should demonstrate your understanding of the economic issuesand should follow a format similar to:• Introduction• Background• The pros to your concept• The opposing points of view• ConclusionThe papers should follow APA and have properly cited references. (if youhave any questions on this please see the information in “courseinformation” and then feel free to ask)Please submit the outline and the paper in the same document.
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