Ethical egoism, philosophy homework help
Assignment from nickkynickkyEthical egoism is the view that an act is permissible if it maximizes an agents self-interest or welfare. One can argue that this view presupposes constraints on an agents actions or liberty of action, because it is not in an agents self-interest to do acts that are harmful or indifferent to the interests of other agents (i.e., to do narrowly self-interested actions or actions that are not at all other-regarding). Present a cogent argument that considers this idea with reference to Glaucons arguments in theRepublicfor why we have reason to act unjustly, or to disobey moral norms and conventions to do as we please, if we can.Plagiarism, or any violation of Hunter Colleges policy on academic integrity, will result in the pursuit of an academic or a disciplinary sanction. Papers should be roughly 1000 words in length, double-spaced, and composed in a standard 12-point font. Papers must cite a primary source. Do not consult, or refer to, any online resource for your paper.Stylistic suggestions: Exclude any historical or biographical information on the works, or philosophers, under consideration. Avoid clichs, such as We should always believe in ourselves, as they detract from developing strong arguments.
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