learning activity: WEAK VS. STRONG DOLLAR PAPER, economics homework help
Assignment from nickkynickkyLearning Activity #3: Case Study AnalysisReviewthe Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Theory of Absolute Advantage (International Economics, Chapters 1& 2).Finda peer-reviewed article on the theory of comparative advantage. Summarizethe article and explain its finding. Based on the review of this article, providean analysis to the question: Is the Theory of Comparative Advantage stillrelevant today in the global market?Learning Activity #5: Weak vs. Strong Dollar PaperDiscuss the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Bank andthe governments fiscal policy and how they stabilize the economy. Write a 2-3 page paper based on an article online or a peerreviewed paper on the value of a weakening dollar relative to other currenciesversus the value of a strong dollar relative to other currencies. To achieve maximumpoints for content and analysis, include the following elements: Under what conditions is a strong US dollar better for the USeconomy than a weak US dollar and vice-versa? Provide at least twoadditional sources beyond the article. If you cite a dictionary it will be in addition to the required two sources.The Bible is not to be listed on the References page, but does have to be citedin-text.
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