Implications of Ethical Decision Making Paper help
Assignment Details:Topic:Doa little research on plagiarism, copyright, or fair use as it relatesto the internet. How does the information you uncover bear upon your ownwork and the challenge of reporting your own or anothers unethicalbehavior? What happens to ones personal brand when one chooses totake an unethical approach to written work or a presentation if one iscaught or not?Clearly declare a stance/thesis in introductory paragraph Two full pages are requiredCover page and reference page requiredAPA formatting is requiredTwo pieces of support from the weeks material are requiredSupporting your work:Useat least two pieces of information from this weeks assigned materialto support your work. Cite the additional research on your choice ofplagiarism, copy right, or fair use. Youhave an option to supplement your work with additional material ifneeded, which must be from scholarly sources (i.e., peer-reviewedjournal articles, books, etc.). Wikipedia is not a credible source.Alldirect quotations and information taken from your sources must becredited using APA Style. Resources on APA Style may be found in theHondros Library by clicking the "APA Resources" link on the leftnavigation.Interactive APA ChecklistBefore submitting your paper, use the interactiveAPA Formatting Checklisttomake sure that you meet all of the APA Style requirements for thisassignment. Answer the questions honestly, and you will be directed toresources to help you complete this aspect of the assignment.TurnitinThisshould be 30% or less in order for your paper to be effectively gradedas YOUR WORK. Papers with Originality Reports over 30% will be subjectto a significant point deduction or may be returned to you. You maycorrect and resubmit your paper until the due date and time.In the Attachments area below, click theChoose Filebutton and browse the files on your computer to locate the document you wish to attach. Select the document, and then clickOpen. To verify your attachment, scroll to the bottom of the page and view the file name in the Attachments area. Click theRemovelink if you would like to attach a different file. When you are ready to submit the file, click theSubmitbutton.Thisassignment will be submitted through Turnitin, which checks theoriginality of your submission against other sources. Make sure toreview your Originality Report to help ensure that you are notplagiarizing. Click thecolored iconnext toTurnitin Reporttowardthe top of the assignment submission page to review your Turnitinreport. It may take 10-15 minutes for your report to process. Rememberthat you can re-submit your assignment until the deadline passes.Additionally, some of your instructors may provide feedback throughTurnitin; to view this feedback, open the Turnitin report, and click ontheGradeMarkbutton at the top of the page. For more information,click here for a guide on using Turnitin.
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