ENG 315 Professional Communication
Assignment 1:Procedural Email MessageWrite a procedural emailmessage to employees reminding them of standard operating procedures ororganizational changes that take the form of step-by-step instructions. Becreative, or use an issue applicable to your work environment. (Example can befound on page 76, Figure 5.1, of the course text.)FIGURE 5.1 GOOD EXAMPLE OFAN EMAIL MESSAGE To: Janna Lu [jl@stein.com] From: Lonny Winters [lwinters@stein.com] Subject: Lunch orders for Fridays meetingHi Janna, You will find the lunchorders for Fridays meeting attached to this message. Please confirm that the caterer, Roses Deli,can fill the order and deliver it to us before the meeting starts.The meeting is scheduled tobegin at noon in the Bell conference room on the tenth floor. I would like the food to be available forpickup by attendees as they enter the room.I assume the lunches will be delivered in individual brown bags as theywere at our previous meeting.If there is a problem withthe delivery, please let me know as soon as possible in case we need to makeother arrangements. I will have a checkfor the lunch available for the delivery person when he or she arrives. Thanks for your help with this and be sure toorder a lunch for yourself.Best,LonnyLonny WintersHuman Resources ManagerStein, Inc.The message shouldtake the form of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to theonline course shell.The procedural messagemust adhere to the following requirements:1. Content:a.Introduce the mainidea of the message in a concise, informative manner.b.Itemize three to five(3-5) key points with detail.c.Provide informationabout where and to whom questions should be directed.2. Format:a.Use a descriptivesubject line or heading.b.Use bullets toseparate ideas and simplify reading.3. Style:a.Include an appropriateand professional greeting / salutation.b.Use email formincluding: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.4. Clarity / Mechanics:a.Ensure that there areno grammar or spelling errors.b.Ensure that there areno clarity, writing, and mechanical errors.Your assignment must:Be typed,single-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins onall sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Submitting yourassignment:Submit your assignmentthrough the online course shell only.The specific courselearning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Use writing processstrategies to develop brief business documents, such as routine messages, bad newsmessages, and persuasive/sales messages.Support ideas orclaims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.Organize ideaslogically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.Use sentence varietyand effective word choice in written communication.Write clearly andconcisely using proper writing mechanics.
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