Application: Women Offenders and Types of Crimes
Application: Women Offenders and Types of CrimesConflicting statistics exist relatedto women offenders. The number of women in the prison system, on parole, and onprobation has increased steadily since the 1990s (Glaze, 2010). According tothe Federal Bureau of Investigation (2010), however, women comprised only about25% of all arrests in the United States in 2010 and are only 18% of the totalcorrectional population. The latter might be due to the fact that women areless likely to commit violent offences that result in correctional sentences.But why do women comprise only 18% of the correctional population when 25% ofall arrests are women? This leads to questions related to differentialtreatment between women and men offenders in the criminal justice system at thelaw enforcement, court, and/or correctional levels. For this Assignment, you think abouttypes of crimes that women offenders are more likely to commit. Also, youconsider the treatment of women compared to men in the criminal justice system.The Assignment (23 pages):Briefly describe two types of crimes that are more likely to becommitted by women than men. Reference the FBI web resource listed in thisweeks Learning Resources. Explain possible reasons each type of crime is more likely to becommitted by women than men. Explain how women offenders may be treated differently than menoffenders in the criminal justice system at the law enforcement, court,and/or correctional level(s). For your two examples, explain possible reasons for thedifferential treatment. Two to three pages with at least three references....It is important that you cover all the topics identified in theassignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUTpresenting an explanation from the readings for this classTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed forthisassignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules3) createsubheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.ReadingsCourse Text: InvestigatingDifference: Human and Cultural Relations in Criminal Justice Chapter 11, WomensDifference in the Criminal Justice System: Constructions of Victims,Offenders, and WorkersArticle: Covington,S. S. (2007). Women and the criminal justice system. Womens HealthIssues, 17(4), 180182.Article: FederalBureau of Investigation. (n.d.). Crime statistics. RetrievedDecember 13, 2011, from, K. (2009). Triggering rage: Unresolved trauma in womens lives. ContemporaryFamily Therapy: An International Journal, 31(2), 123139.Article: NationalCriminal Justice Reference Service. (2011). Women & girls in thecriminal justice systemFacts and figures. Retrieved from Spjeldenes,S., & Goodkind, S. (2009). Gender differences and offender reentry: Areview of the literature. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation,48(4), 314335.Article:Buell, M. (2006). Improving outcomes for women involved in the criminaljustice system. Corrections Today, 68(6), 9496.
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