Application: Victims and the Criminal Justice System, science homework help
Application: Victims and the Criminal Justice SystemMore than half of all victimizationsin the US are not reported to police (U.S. Department of Justice, 2010).Research has shown that low reporting rates of violent crime may result fromnegative perceptions of law enforcement and victims concerns about how theywill be treated by the police and courts (Parsons & Bergin, 2010).When victims do notify the policethat a crime has occurred, statistics show that the criminal justice systemsresponse may not always be optimal. In 2008, police failed to appear at thescene of 11.2% of the reported violent crimes in the US, and to 23.4% ofreported property crimes (U.S. Department of Justice, 2010). Fewer than half ofthe violent crimes known to police result in arrests. Among defendants foundguilty in state or district courts, convictions occur overwhelmingly by pleabargainvery few cases actually go to trial (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011).These statistics may be very disappointing to crime victims, who wish to seejustice in response to their victimization. For this Assignment, review thescenario in this weeks Interactive Community. For each branch of the criminaljustice system (law enforcement, courts, and corrections), consider whichinteractions with the victim were effective and which were ineffective. Thinkabout what could be done to help the criminal justice system better servevictims.The Assignment (23 pages):Visit the transcriptFor each branch of the criminal justice system, explain oneinteraction with the victim that was effective and one interaction withthe victim that was ineffective and explain why.Explain programs that could be developed for or made available tocriminal justice professionals to help better serve victims.Readings Englebrecht, C. M. (2011).The struggle for ownership of conflict: An exploration of victimparticipation and voice in the criminal justice system. CriminalJustice Review, 36(2), 129151. Gur, O. M. (2010). Personswith mental illness in the criminal justice system: Police interventionsto prevent violence and criminalization. Journal of Police CrisisNegotiations, 10(1/2), 220240. Meyer, S. (2011). Seekinghelp for intimate partner violence: Victims experiences when approachingthe criminal justice system for IPV-related support and protection in anAustralian jurisdiction. Feminist Criminology, 6(4), 268290. Patterson, D., &Campbell, R. (2010). Why rape survivors participate in the criminaljustice system. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(2), 191205. Rashmee, S. (2010). Inbetween the system and the margins: Community organizations, mandatorycharging and immigrant victims of abuse. Canadian Journal ofSociology, 35(1), 3162. MediaLaureate Education, Inc.(Executive Producer). (2012). Victims and the criminal justice system.Baltimore, MD: Author. Transcript TRANSCRIPTVictims and the Criminal Justice SystemMultimedia Program TranscriptINTRODUCTORYPARAGRAPH: In this weeks exercise, youll see how onecriminal act that only lasts for a few minutes can still have a psychologicalimpact on the victims that lasts for years. This particular story begins at the officesof the Peopletown Gazette, in the cubicle of their longtime sports columnist,Jim Keane. NARRATOR(ALL IN VO): Jim Keane is asportswriter for the Peopletown Gazette. He loves football, baseball, hisfamily and Chinese food though not necessarily in that order. But, because Jim and his wife are thinkingabout having a second child, Jim is also learning how to love saving money. So, instead of paying for everything oncredit cards, Jim has resolved to only pay cash as long as he has some. Buttoday is payday AND the start of football season, and Jim believes hes earneda lunch out with the boys at their favorite Chinese restaurant. He just needs to stop by the ATM first.JOHNNY (VO):Everybody get down on the ground, now!!! NARRATOR (VO): And, in that onemoment, Jims day changed in a way he never could have imagined. JOHNNY (VO): Put all the moneyin a bag for me! Do it now!!! SFX: Police, through a radio / megaphone:This is the police! We have the bank surrounded! Everyone remain calm! NARRATOR (VO): Jim and the otherwitnesses have been sitting in these seats for over an hour now, waiting togive their testimony. JOHNNYS SISTER: I want to see Johnny Kelly! He didntrob no bank! Im his mother! No, I will NOT wait! FEMALE DETECTIVE (VO): If you could alljust follow me? Wed like to speak with each of you, one at a time. You canwait here. FEMALE DETECTIVE(VO):Mister Keane? Lets start with you. NARRATOR (VO): They ask Jim toverify his name and residence, and then, before they ask him for any detailsabout the robbery, they make it very clear to Jim that the consequencesof getting any of the details wrong are very, very serious. JIMS 2-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER (VO): Daddy! JIMS WIFE (VO): Honey, are you okay?NARRATOR (VO): That evening, whenfinally returns home to his worried family, he receives a phone call. NARRATOR(VO): The man on the other end identifies himself as a counselor who assistsrecent victims of crime. Jim does not want to talk to him, and says so. The counselortells Jim that hell bethere if Jim needs him, and he gives Jim a number where he can be reached, ifJim should ever change his mind. NARRATOR (VO): Later that week, the assistantdetective contacts Jim and asks him to return to the station to view a line-up.Jim is told to relax, and only to identify someone if that person ispresentnot to feel pressured to pick anyone out. DETECTIVE (THROUGHINTERCOM): Number Four, please turn to the left. NARRATOR (VO): Several months later, Jim gets another call. He isfinally being summoned to take the stand as a witness to the crime. Jim feelsnervous, and he asks if his identity can remain anonymous. But he is told by anadministrator that he will have to appear in the courtroom, in person, and thatNOT to do so would be against the law. NARRATOR (VO): In the weeks leading up to the trial, theprosecutor meets with Jim and the other witnesses several times, to helpprepare them for what they can expect when they do testify. Jim is counseled tokeep his responses on the stand simple, only ever answering the question thatwas asked. NARRATOR (VO): Although the prosecutor had requested to use arecorded deposition from Jim that would have kept Jims identity anonymous,that motion has been denied. NARRATOR (VO): Jim must report for the trial in person, and hemust testify in front of the alleged perpetrator. NARRATOR (VO): When it comes time for the judge to issue averdict, Jim listens as the judge finds the defendant guilty and sentences himto four years in prison. The thief jumps up in his seat and lunges in anger atthe witnesses who are seated behind the prosecution. JOHNNY (VO): This is your fault! Im wastingmy LIFE because of you! NARRATOR (VO): Jim feels very nervous. He leans forward to askthe prosecutor about the possibility of witness protection, but the judgedemands that everyone in the courtroom remain silent. NARRATOR (VO): Nearly two years after the day the bank wasrobbed, Jim thinks he sees the robber again, walking free. But how can that be?He was sentenced to four years in prison wasnt he? NARRATOR (VO): Concerned, Jim texts his wife. She searches forinformation about Jims case online and learns that the thief has indeed beengranted an early parole. NARRATOR (VO): Jim begins to feel nervous as he goes about hisdaily business. He sees a strange car parked outside of his home at odd hoursand wonders if the thief or his friends could possibly know where he lives. NARRATOR (VO): When Jim checks the website of the People towncourt system, he sees that his address is listed in the public recordsconnected with the trial. NARRATOR (VO): Jim cannot keep his nerves undercontrol. He feels distracted at work and jittery at home. NARRATOR (VO): Jimfinds the phone number he wrote down so long ago, on the evening of thatattempted robbery the number given to him by the counselor who works withvictims of crime. Jim calls and finds that the counselor is willing to set upan appointment to talk. NARRATOR(VO): Jim thencalls the main number listed for the courthouse, and asks for information aboutthe witness protection program. The courthouse operator connects Jim with acaseworker in the victims services office. NARRATOR (VO): Jim is asked aseries of short questions about his situation, and then he is invited to visittheir office in person, to meet with a caseworker who can explain Jimsoptions. Two or three pages withat least three references....It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment.Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting anexplanation from the readings.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed forthisassignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules3) createSUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS AREITALICIZED.MULTIPLE USE OF INTEXTCITATION
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