software engineering , computer science homework help
answer these 10 quiz questions with full sentences and answers 1- whatwas the original purpose of software engineering process models and have-theybeen successful ?2- Whish process model would you use when a problemis well defined and the software needs to be of high quality and is notdeadline driven? Why?3- Explain the main differences between thewaterfall model and the incremental model.4- Explain the role of a prototype in any processmodel.5- Explain why it may not be advisable to extend aprototype into the production system.6- What process model would you recommended whenyour management demands fixed-budget development? Why?7- If you were putting a system development projectout to bid, what would be reasonable CMMI level to specify as a minimum requirement?Why?8- Describe the four phases of the spiral model9- Explain how the phases of the RUP model relateto the generic process activities of software engineering.10- Explain Deming’s approachto process improvement.
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