Methods in Behavioral Research, psychology assignment help
Answer thefollowing questions covering material from Ch. 6 & 7 of Methods in Behavioral Research:1.What is reactivity? Explain how reactivityimpacts measurement.2.What are the key features of an experimentaldesign, or true experiment? How does this compare to case studies?3.What is survey research and when is it mostuseful?4.What issues should be considered whenconstructing surveys? What are the implications of double-barreled, loaded, andnegative questions?5.What are some survey administration methods?When are each of these methods most appropriate?6.Define interview bias and provide an example. 7.What is the difference between probability andnon-probability sampling techniques?8.A researcher attends an art reception in a majormetropolitan city. She decides to approach people over the age of 50 and askthem to fill out a brief survey about purchasing artwork. Is this a probabilityor a non-probability sampling technique? What type of sampling procedure isthissimple random, stratified random, cluster, haphazard, purposive, or quota?9.What is the relationship between sample size andsurvey results? What are some techniques to evaluate potential sampling bias?
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