IOM Report
An Institute of Medicine (IOM, 1999)report was a wake-up call for both the general public and healthcare providersregarding the problem and tragic consequences of medical errors. According tothe report brief, "At least 44,000 people, and perhaps as many as 98,000people, die in hospitals each year as a result of medical errors that couldhave been prevented" (IOM, 1999, p. 1). The report recommends afour-tiered approach as a strategy for addressing this problem.In this assignment, you will readthe report and then evaluate how the healthcare system has responded to each ofthe four recommendations made in the report.Use sources other than the textbookto find information about how the US healthcare system is acting on the fourrecommendations in the IOM report. You may use journal articles, governmentreports, reports or findings of public organizations, and other authoritativesources. The following are sources of information on two of therecommendations:The first recommendation (about creating leadership)refers to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Use theAHRQ website third recommendation (about actions of oversightorganizations, professional groups, and group purchasers of healthcare)identifies the Leapfrog Group ( to the following:Which of the IOM recommendations do you feel providesthe greatest impact on patient safety? Why?Assess the US healthcare system's actions regarding thefour recommendations in the IOM report. Which recommendation provides themost impact on patient safety? Which provides the least? Justify youranswer.What is your overall assessment of how the UShealthcare system is performing with regard to patient safety in responseto the IOM recommendations?Give examples of actions by the healthcareindustry and cite sources.Be sure to cite any relevantresources used in framing your responses. Apply APA standards to cite sources.Reference:Institute of Medicine. (1999). Toerr is human: Building a safer health system. Retrievedfrom Building-A-Safer-Health-System.aspx
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