microeconomics , 5-7 pages research paper help
An appropriate topic will be based on specific topics in thecourse and found in a current events newspaper article or report. This exercise is designed to help and checkyour ability to process information, systematically analyze the data/evidenceand verbally articulate the information that you have learned from the classlectures, the required readings, newspapers, different sources of media and ourclass discussions. In addition to news sources to detail or describe theeconomics issue, it is expected that the paper will include three to fiveacademic sources for the economics concepts and/or applications. A few sample topics thatwe will cover that are suitable for the writing assignment (detailed below) inthis course are listed below:· The impact of the supply shocks in theoil market on the price of home heating oil and gasoline.· Looking at the evolution of the marketeconomies over time, how do you see the markets in our future shape and form?· Pick a real life application of thetheory of consumer behavior/utility maximization and show how in our routine dailylife, we can benefit from our understanding of this theory.· Choose a market structure such asmonopoly or oligopoly with a specific industry in mind and show how theseindustries behave within the context of microeconomics· How does a regulated monopolywork? Choose an actual example of aregulated monopoly in the United States anddiscuss how regulation of that industry could benefit the consumer as well asthe monopolist.· What is a Cartel? Based on yourunderstanding of a cartel, in what kind of an industry can we see cartelsform? Why are they illegal in the United States? How could cartel manipulate markets?· Discuss the impact of raising minimumwages on minimum wage earners and economy as a whole.· What are the desired benefits of rentcontrol? What are the real effects ofthe rent control policy on its expected beneficiaries and the society?Inaddition consider sources like the Economic Naturalist (http://www.robert-h-frank.com/book.html),The Cartoon Introduction to Economics http://standupeconomist.com/cartoon-intro-microeconomics/)or economics books about general issues (like Miller, Benjamin and North’s TheEconomics of Public Issues) or specific economic issue (like Rivoli’s TheTravels of a T-Shirt, see http://americanenterprise.si.edu/2011/09/rivolis-travels-of-a-t-shirt/).Five Criteria:Economic Issue, Social Importance, Economic Principles, Sources and Clarity; and,Four Levels of Achievement: Poor (D), Fair (C), Good (B) and Great (A)Criteria1. Economic IssuePoor: Not an unresolved matter of importance in the allocation of resources and not clearlyarticulated.Fair: An unresolved matter of importance in the allocation of resources and but not clearlyarticulated.Good: An unresolved matter of importance in the allocation of resources, clearly articulated andconsideration of some policy options.Great: An unresolved matter of importance in the allocation of resources, well-articulated andconsideration of all policy options (leaving nothing unresolved).2. Social ImportancePoor: Social importance not present or not articulated.Fair: Socially important topic but not well articulated.Good: Socially important topic and well-articulated.Great: Socially important topic, well-articulated, timely and relevant for immediate action.3. Economic principles (concepts and applications)Poor: Fail to integrate relevant economic principles; lacking in definitions and explanation.Fair: Identifies relevant economic principles, but does not demonstrate clear understanding oftheir details, application or sources.Good: Identifies and explains application of relevant economic principles, but lacks clarity andoriginality. All of the principles are present, but lacks clarity.Great: Identifies, explains and demonstrates application of relevant economic principles in one'sown words throughout clearly articulating an understanding found in research, readings andlecturers.4. SourcesPoor: Few news sources and no definitive sources (like a text book); open access internetsources like Wikipedia are unacceptable.Fair: One definitive source (like a text book), some news and limited additional economicssourcesGood: 5-7 economics sources; a few peer-reviewed journal articles or books.Great: 5-7 peer-reviewed journal articles or books5. ClarityPoor: Poor sentence and paragraph structure, misspellings and grammatical errors. Uses longquotes, lack of own wording demonstrating limited understanding. Overly wordy (or sparse) andconfusing.Fair: No misspellings or gross grammar mistakes. Paragraphs are organized so that ideas arepresented in obvious stream of thought. Weak sentences lead to confusion.Good: No misspellings or grammar errors. Well-structured paragraphs and sentence, butnarrative could be better focused (better order of paragraphs, transitions between paragraphs oractive v. passive voice).Great: Direct, tight and concise sentences, thoughts, definitions and points. Active voice isbetter than passive voice, no misspellings or grammar mistakes. Well organized paragraphs andstructured sentence. Flows and reads well. Original and rich language throughout the paper.
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