Steriod Use In The NFL, communications assignment help
ALL WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL AND IF ANY PLAGIARISM IS FOUND, I WILL WITHDRAW AS MY UNIVERSITY USE TURNITINNow let us see who can find theerrors! Find and correct errors you find in two (2) of your classmates citations orreferences. Do not use names, just copy their citation or reference they haveposted, and then point out the corrections needed.CLASSMATE #1:Hello EveryoneAccording to ( has been defined as `a single orrepeated act, or lack or appropriate action, occurring in anyrelationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm ordistress to an older person. Sometimes a singleact alone is more of an abuse than a repeated act; I have seen it onnumerous occasions. My last job a coworker of mines got tired of havingto get up to watch the resident to make sure he doesnt fall. Shedecided to tie him down to a chair with bed sheets.I understand that she didnt want him to get up and fall but that actcant be justified. Its heart breaking to witness these events but somany of them are well known. Knowing that the elderly has fragile skin,she could have bruise that resident or worst.Doing that also break the trust between care giver and the patientbecause now he didnt want to be touch at all. As citizens people puttheir family in a home whether Assist Living or Nursing Home to be takencare of well because they cant do it alone themselves.That being a physical abuse can really put a distress on thepatient/resident mentally; they can have loss of appetite, loss ofinterest in activities and want to be isolated. In most cases elderlyabuse that happen repeatedly are done by the same person.In working with the elderly we are trained to handle a lot ofsituations to avoid abuse.Reference:Retrieve on August 31, 2016 from type of mistreatment is Financial. According to ( analyzed episodes of financial mistreatment perpetrated by family.Working in an Assist Living I see so many on that. A lot of theresidents always put up a fight with the staff when their familymember(s) come and drop them off there. Some fear theywont see their love ones again or to be independent anymore. Iencounter a situation where the company I worked for had to go to courtbecause one of the resident daughter have stopped paid her moms rent.The rent was $6000 a month, she had to paid thatbecause she was on a memory unit. The rent was unpaid for six months.The resident supplies were all ran out. She had no soap/body wash, notoothpaste, no lotion, shampoo; her clothes were getting tight on herbecause she had gain weight. So many times familymember/friends that are appointed the attorney of an elderly personjust want the money. They will make it seems like they want whats bestfor the person and then take the money and run. Some try to have theelder change their will so they can be there solebenefiter. Usually in most cases and we see this happen the state stepin and takes over as the appointed attorney for that individual.Reference:Retrieve on August 31, 2016 from Use In The NFLSteriod use in sports has become such a big problem in professionalsports for years. Many big names in sports have been caught for the usepf these performing enhancing drugs. The league calls it "doping".Ray Lewis's non-scandal showed that performance-enhancingdrugs may be widespread in pro football, but the nature of the gamemeans that fans worry less about it than they do in baseball(Barrawrites about sports for the Wall Street Journal 2015). Inmy opinion doping should be the least of the major league sportsconcern. I know there're plenty of athletes being caught for majorcrimes and doping isnt as nearly as serious, Rape charges,murder charges, fights, domestic violence, disrespectful acts duringgames. It's a lot more going on that ownwers should draw their attentiontowards. Yes steriods and other performance enhancing drugs are bad butthink about how long players have been doingit and think about all the great players who do it that are super goodand bring in lots of revenue. The reason why the NFL's drug testingpolicy doesn't work might have been revealed five years before theUnion-Tribune report in a 2003 book by football writer Mike Freeman, Bloody Sundays: Inside the Dazzling, Rough-and-Tumble World of the NFL.In 1999, reported Freeman, the NFL players had a meeting in Hawaii.Seeming to forget that the meetingwas being recorded, one union official told player reps that severalplayers had failed their drug tests but would not be punished because of"a secret agreement" between the league and the union not to enforcerules on drug use until a new policy, which wasalready in the works, was established (Barra writes about sports for the Wall StreetJournal 2015). Neither players nor owners, it seems,wanted the bad publicity. Such cozy relations between labor andmanagement on potentially destructive drug use causes one to wonder ifboth sides still believe a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" attitudetowards drugs to be in their best interests. If so, the apathy of theunion and the owners seems to have anesthetized the fans to the dangersof widespread PED use. I just think it's a bad move on the leaguesbehave to waste time, energy, and their brandson putting out which players are using PEDs and who isn't im sure therehave been plenty but just werent caught.Cited: Allen Barra writes about sports for the Wall Street Journal and His next book isMickey and Willie--The Parallel Lives of Baseball's Golden Age.
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