TEACHER-MADE MATH BACKPACK/BAG - School to Home, assignment help
ACTIVITY 4: TEACHER-MADE MATH BACKPACK/BAG - School to HomeDIRECTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS:Choose an early mathematical CONCEPT (One-to-One Correspondence,Number Sense, Counting, Comparing, Logic/Classifying, Ordering,Seriation & Patterning, and Geometry: Shape, Geometry: Spatial Sense& Parts-to Whole). Provide an explanation of why you chose theconcept to the school-to-home backpack. Remember to include a researched-based explanationuse your textbook as a reference.Select an activity that represents the CONCEPT you have selected anddesign a Math Backpack that would be sent from school-to-home with achild.After you have selected the activity consider thematerials/manipulatives that you will need so that the child/family areable to complete the task.If not using a backpack, then decide upon the type of bag you willuse, keeping in mind that it has to be sturdy and durable enough fortransporting and to safely organize the materials. (You dont want to lose pieces to the activity.)Create a card/sheet that has specific directions on how to use the materials/manipulatives with the activity. This will ensure that you have provided parents with specific information about the activity. Remember,that you want the parents to make the connections that the activityrelates to math that is being addressed in the classroom; and that it ispurposeful.Create an Introductory Letter to the parent with regard to the purpose of the Math Backpack.If you are going to have the child/parent artifact (what they did athome) returned, remember to include the material (plastic sleeve orfolder and so forth).Create a system to encourage communication between home-school andschool-home. This could be a small spiral notebook, a composition book,blank sheets of paper assembled. (The point is for you to decide how youwish to communicate.)Math Backpack Rubric Criteria75 Points1Identify Mathematical Concept52Research-based explanation: why you chose the mathematical concept53Activity Description & Activity Directions (Step-by-Step)254List materials/manipulatives needed to interact with the activity105Information Sheet for Parents/Caregivers106Communication Book/Sheet107Digital Pictures: backpack, materials/manipulatives, information sheet, activity directions, communication book/sheet10Things to consider:Select an activity that will allow the child to revisit mathematicalconcepts that have been topics throughout the year. Remember, practiceand review is highly beneficial for young children.Decide upon a management system that will help you stay organized andmake the school to home math backpack a routine within your program.
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