GSM Based Energy Meter Billing Via SMS, Engineering Question help
*Abstract:The Abstract must contain description of the topic, important applications of the topic, brief description about previous literature present in the paper, methodology adopted by the author, important results obtained and conclusions derived from the results. The word count is limited to 250.*Critical Analysis:With the introduction to the topic, students are expected to critically analyze the literature part that contains key findings of previous authors, methodology adopted in given paper, parameters used for analysis, analyze the results obtained (from graphs / tables) and important conclusions derived based on the result. Each topic has to be separately presented in the form of paragraphs and the word count for this part is limited to a range of 500 to 750.*TASK- 2: Visit the Library & Resource Center, e-brary and Internet sites and look for the literature like books, e-books, journal/conference papers, report, articles, videos etc., (preferably) related to the project topic or area. For this literature found, write the in-text citation and prepare the reference in CCE-Harvard referencing style.There must be: 2 Library books or E-library books, 5 Journal or Conference Papers/Reports or Magazine Articles etc., 2 Web based resource like websites, electronic report, videos etc. and 1Image in BookInthis proposed system, the consumer will get his energy consumption data on realtime basis on a LCD display. The same data is sent through GSM modem to theelectricity department via SMS. A microcontroller of 8051 family is interfacedto the energy meter to get the Watt Hour pulses. The microcontroller thenprocesses these pulses according the program written in it, to calculate theunits consumed and cost involved. Further it gives command to the SIM loadedGSM modem for sending the data to the electricity department by SMS.# all need in attach files (( BSC RM CW1 ))
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