Mental Rotation, psychology homework help
A simple lab report that has to be completed urgently. MUST: 100% plagiarism free and fully APA 6th formatted. I will attach all data (Microsoft excel spread sheet - you will need to plot APA formatted graph and table and paste into lab report) as soon as the question gets assigned!Instructions: Write a brief but full lab report in APA styleon a CogLab experiment. You should aim for about 1200-1500 words (i.e., about5-6 double-spaced pages). TASKS REQUIRED: For the Lab Report you should describe inseparate and clearly labeled subsections: v Theoretical background including hypothesis to be tested(with IV and DV correctly specified). You should refer to relevant chapter(s)in the textbook and at least FIVE empirical sources (references), preferablyjournal articles reporting on experiments addressing the same researchquestion, or using the same experimental paradigm v Method: including stimuli and procedure (i.e.instructions, actual task performed, stimulus exposure parameters, how DV wasmeasured, etc.) v Results (your data): in words and supported by at leastone graph and one table (with self-explanatory captions) v Discussion: relate results to hypothesis (was itsupported?) AND evaluate method, including external validity and threats tointernal validity Formatting of references AND of graphs, tables, etc. in thislab report should be done in full compliance with APA style guidelines.
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