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A formerStanford University swimmer by the name of BrackTurner was sentenced toonly six months in jail with probation after sexually assaulting a woman whowas unconscious at the time of the assault. "California lawmakers calledit a "shockingly lenient sentence," and now a bill prompted byturner's case is heading to California Gov. Jerry Brown" (Shapiro, 2016).Under California law up until this case came into the light, a person can rapean unconscious person and the judge did not have a mandatory prison sentence togive offenders. In other words a person could rape a person and a judge couldgive them the six months and a few years of probation just like the offender inthis case. My question to the class is this, sine the law was not on the booksat the time should the judge be ridiculed for sentence he gaveBrackTurner? This case will help close loopholes in California law booksurrounding unconscious rape victim. Kamilah Wilinghamwas at a party with her little sister enjoyingthemselves. This could have been my sister or yours, my point is this couldvery well could have happen to anyone of us. This law would have send a messagethat sexual assaultoffenders would not get off with just a slap on thewrist. Those who sit in seats of authority have the power to write legislationthat judges must obey. In other words there should be laws that prevent judges(like the one in California) from giving short jail sentences for any crimethat are punishableby prison. Although tough sentencing does notdeter crime it would in fact make sure that criminals are off thestreets. Shapiro, E. (2016). Sex Assault Bill Inspired by Brock Turner's StanfordCase Moves Forward in California. ABC.New. ComRespond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below... in APA format with At least one reference.....Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague's posting.
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