Are Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) useful as a policy tool?
A client has asked your cybersecurity consulting firmto provide it with a 2 to 3 page white paper which discusses the usefulness of Privacy Impact Assessments(PIA) as a policy tool. The purpose of this white paper is to informattendees at an inter-agency workshop on writing Privacy Impact Assessments for their IT investments. Theseassessments are required by the E-GovernmentAct of 2002 (See must be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) each year byagencies as part of their E-GovernmentAct compliance reports. OMB, in turn, forwards a summary of these reportsto Congress as part of the administration’s E-GovernmentAct Implementation Report (see Read / Review the Week 1 readings.2. Research the requirements in federal law toprotect the privacy of individuals. Here are some sources that you may finduseful:a. AlternativesExist for Enhancing Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (GAO-08-536) Guide toProtecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) (NISTSP-800-122) Research how PrivacyImpact Assessments are used by privacyadvocates and other members of the public who lobby lawmakers or otherwiseseek to influence public policy. Here are some sources to get you started:a. Findthree or more additional sources which provide information about best practicerecommendations for ensuring the privacy of information processed by or storedin an organization’s IT systems and databases. These additional sources caninclude analyst reports and/or news stories about recent attacks / threats,data breaches, cybercrime, cyber terrorism, etc. which impacted the privacy ofindividuals whose information was stored in federal IT systems and databases.Write:Write a two to three pagesummary of your research. At a minimum, your summary must include thefollowing:1. Anintroduction or overview of privacy whichprovides definitions and addresses the laws, regulations, and policies whichrequire federal IT managers to protect the privacy of individuals whoseinformation is processed or stored in federal IT systems. This introductionshould be suitable for an executive audience.2. Aseparate section which addresses the contents of Privacy Impact Assessments andhow they are currently used by the federal government and members of society. 3. Ananalysis of whether or not privacy impactassessments provide useful information to privacy advocates, lawmakers, andothers who develop or influence privacy policies and laws in the United States.Federal Officials who participate in the policy making process include: OMBStaff, White House Staff, Congressional Committees and their staff members,Members of Congress (Representatives & Senators). 4. A discussion of best practice recommendationsfor ensuring the privacy of information processed by or stored in anorganization’s IT systems and databases. These recommendations should be wellsupported by information from your research.Your whitepaper should use standard terms and definitions for cybersecurity and privacy.The following sources are recommended:· NICCS Glossary Guidelineson Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing InstructionsUseAPA 6th edition style (formatting) for the organization andappearance of the MS Word document that you submit to your assignment folder. Thisincludes margins, section headings, and consistent use of fonts (Times NewRoman 12 in black), paragraph styles (first line indent by ½ inch), and linespacing (double)
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