about Long-Term Memory (LTM)
2 pages of this subject Tosummarize, here are the instructions on writing a satisfactory final paper:1. Choose a psychological concept or topic (e.g., depression, short-termmemory, classical conditioning, sleep, introversion/extraversion, psychotherapy)from what we have covered in class either from chapter assignments, TakingSides articles, or class discussions. Explain why it interests you.2. The topic you choose must relate directly to the course. If the connectionto the course seems unclear, make it clear in your paper.3. Clearly describe the psychological topic you are addressing and provide abrief description of what psychologists have learned about this topic.4. Relate the topic to a few examples in your own life, the lives of others,and/or an issue that relates to society in general (e.g., something in thenews).
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