33 Multiple Choice Questions - English
1.Theonly acceptable way to divide words at the end of a line is ________. a.tolet the computer decide b.beforethe last three letters c.betweensyllables d.afterthe first three letters 2.Neverdivide ________. a.thelast word on a page b.aword less than two syllables c.acontraction d.Allof the above. 3.A________ is always placed after a closing quotation mark. a.semicolonor comma b.semicolonor colon c.periodor question mark d.periodor comma 4.Identifythe correct sentence. a.TheJoneses factories are all over the world. b.TheJoneses factorys are all over the world. c.TheJoneses factories are all over the world. d.TheJoneses factories are all over the world. 5.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Wilmadoesnt have too much trouble distinguishing between their, there, andtheyre. b.Wilmadoesnt have to much trouble distinguishing between their, there, and theyre. c.Wilmadoesnt have too much trouble distinguishing between their, there, and theyre.d.Noneof the above. 6.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Haveyou read William Blakes poem London from Songs of Innocence and Experience? b.Haveyou read William Blakes poem london from Songs of Innocence and Experience? c.Haveyou read William Blakes poem London from Songs of Innocence and Experience? d.Haveyou read William Blakes poem London from Songs of Innocence andExperience?7.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Inorder to assess youre level of improvement in the course, you need to takeboth the pre- test and the post-test. b.Inorder to assess your level of improvement in the course, you need to take boththe pre- test and the post-test. c.Inorder to assess your level of improvement in the course, you need to take boththe pretest and the posttest. d.Inorder to assess your level of improvement in the course, you need to take boththe pre test and the post test. 8.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Themother took her three-year-old daughter to the zoo to see the monkeys. b.Themother took her three year old daughter to the zoo to see the monkeys. c.Thelittle girl was only three-years-old when she saw the monkeys at the zoo. d.Noneof the above. 9.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Myfriend Arlene called and asked me if I would pick her up when her car brokedown on the highway? b.Myfriend Arlene called and asked me if I would pick her up when her car brokedown on the highway. c.Myfriend Arlene called and said, My car broke down on the highway. Can you pickme up? d.Myfriend Arlene called asking My car broke down on the highway. Can you pick meup? 10.Anappeals court ordered the money returned, however, the IRS didnt comply. a.properlyconstructed sentence b.misplacedpart c.lacksparallel parts d.danglere.commasplice 11.Whenpacking the order yesterday, one important item was omitted. a.properlyconstructed sentence b.commasplice c.misplacedd.lacksparallel parts e.dangler12. Noah Webstersupported himself through sales of his spelling book over 100 million copies ofthe book were sold.a.properlyconstructed sentence b.run-onc.misplacedparts d.danglere.choppy13. To keep your filesin order, the filing rules must be learned. a.properlyconstructed sentence b.lacksparallel parts c.fragmentd.misplacedpart e.dangler14.Achild was injured yesterday by a bus on the way home from school. a.properlyconstructed sentenceb.run-onc.misplacedpart d.lacksparallel parts e.dangler15.Choosethe sentence that is written in active voice. a.Themath problems were given to the students. b.Thestudents were taking a math test. c.Themath test was given by the instructor. d.Themath test grades were given to the students. 16.Choosethe sentence that is written in active voice. a.Theprognosis was given by Dr. House. b.Thepatient was given a prognosis by Dr. House. c.Dr.House gave the prognosis to the patient. d.Theprognosis was given a prognosis by Dr. House to the patient. 17.Choosethe sentence that is written in active voice. a.Thepaper is being written by the student. b.Thestudent is writing the paper. c.Inthe English class, the paper is being written by the student. d.Noneof the above. 18.Choosethe sentence that is written in active voice. a.Thebook will be published next year. b.Nextyear the book will be published. c.Pearsonwill publish the book next year. d.Thebook was published. 19.Whichof the following statements is not true? a.Alwayscapitalize professional and relationship titles. b.Capitalizeprofessional titles when they precede peoples names. c.Donot capitalize relationship titles when they are used for general reference. d.Allof the above is true. 20.Whichof the following should not be capitalized? a.daysof the week b.seasonsc.namesof holidays d.monthsof the year 21.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Iam taking 3 classes in the Fall at University of Florida. b.Iam taking three classes in the fall at Univ. of Florida. c.Iam taking three classes in the fall at University of Florida. d.Iam taking 3 class in the Fall at Univ. of FL. 22.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Pleasepick me up at five p.m. at night after work. b.Pleasepick me up at 5:00 p.m. after work. c.Pleasepick me up at 5 p.m. after work. d.Pleasepick-me-up at five pm after work. 23.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Ineeded 3 tspns of vanilla extract for homemade cookies. b.Ineeded 3 teaspoons of Vanilla Extract for homemade cookies. c.Ineeded three tspns of vanilla extract for homemade cookies. d.Ineeded 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract for homemade cookies. 24.Identifythe correct sentence. a.Comesee me in Room 210 after class for 30 mins. b.Comesee me in Room 210 after class for 30 minutes. c.Comesee me in Rm. 210 after class for thirty minutes. d.Comesee me in Room 210 after class for thirty minutes. 25.Identifythe correct sentence. a.TheNational Sales Meeting (NSM) will be held at the Marriott Hotel this year. b.TheNational Sales Meeting (NSM) will be held at the Marriott hotel this year. c.TheNSM will be held at the Marriott Hotel this year. d.THeNSM wil be held at the MH this year.26. Neitherof the choices ________ attractive to the group of workers that ________on strike.a. are/is b. is/are c. is/isd. are/are 27.Identify the incorrect sentence.a. There is a good variety of mugsin the cabinet.b. There are a good variety of mugsin the cabinet.c. A number of glasses have beenbroken.d. The number of broken glasses hasincreased.28. Identifythe incorrect sentence.a. Each knife and fork have beencleaned and put away.b. Each knife and fork has beencleaned and put away.c. Some of the girls teeth arechipped.d. None of the material is missing.29. These________ of strategies work ________.a. kind/well b. kinds/good c.kinds/well d. kind/good 30.Which of the following is notconsidered to be a short introductory expression? a. okayb. yesc. ohd. well 31.Identify the sentence that ispunctuated correctly.a. In 1975, the Census Bureau showedthat 193 million Americans were driving cars, trucks and recreationalvehicles.b. In 1975 the Census Bureau showedthat 193 million Americans were driving cars, trucks, and recreationalvehicles.c. In 1975 the Census Bureau showed,that 193 million Americans, were driving cars, trucks, and recreationalvehicles.d. In 1975 the Census Bureau showedthat 193 million Americans were driving cars trucks, and recreationalvehicles.32. Use________ to set off the word sic, which indicates as written in aquotation.a. parenthesesb. bracketsc. commasd. apostrophes33. Identifythe sentence that is correctly punctuated.a. Word Processing, PowerPoint, andExcel: those are the technology job requirements.b. Word Processing, PowerPoint, and Excel,those are the technology job requirements.c. Word Processing, PowerPoint, andExcel; those are the technology job requirements.d. Word Processing, PowerPoint andExcelthose are the technology job requirements.
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