bicycle safety, health and medicine homework help
1).Descriptive Statistics Complete a PICO(T) search on bicycle safety.What does the research say about this issue? Select one of the articles fromyour search. Identify the descriptive statistics. Is anything missing? To whatextent are minorities included in the study? (Is that demographic informationavailable?) How does the descriptive data help you understand the research?Class, in this question,you are asked to examine the descriptive statistics in an article related toyour research question. This correlates to CO 6 which is to utilize theprinciples of evidence-based practice to propose strategies that can addressclinical, educational or administrative issues.What does knowing thesedescriptive statistics do to help you understand the research? What challenges,particularly ethical challenges, do you think the researchers might have hadwhen gathering the data?2).Inferential Statistics Describe the inferential tests that were used in the article thatyou used in the first discussion (in other words, t-tests and chi-squares).Given the p-values related to the tests, how do you interpret the results? Arestatistically significant findings also clinically significant? What are therecommendations based on this paper? Share some alternate explanations(mediating or intervening variables) for the results of the study. Class, In addition tothe descriptive statistics in the article you used in TD 1, what are theinferential statistics (chi-square, t-tests, multiple regression, etc.) thatare reported. If you are unclear about what you are looking for, pleasee-mail me through the course e-mail above. How do these statistics answerthe research question? Can you think of alternate explanations (mediatingvariables that haven't been measured) for the results of the study?This correlates to CO 6which is to utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to proposestrategies that can address clinical, educational or administrative issues.
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