information technology, science homework help
1.Define what is encompassed in the term informationtechnology.2.What are some of the ways that IT has become "pervasive"?3.What kinds of portable IT help employees work more efficiently andeffectively? What may interfere with productivity?4.What kinds of IT can help support teams when team members work atdifferent locations?5.How have some businesses used the Internet to compete based on lowcost, product/service differentiation, or both?6.What kind of a business might choose to have low levels of dependenceon IT?7.What three types of IT resources need to be managed well?8.What are some examples of newer IT manager roles, and why are theyneeded today?9.For what reasons might an IT manager have a reporting relationshipwith a CIO as well as with a senior business manager? Answer each as detailed as possible. A paragraph is sufficient. Do not copy answers directly from the book, Give examples from other sources than the text book.
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