pharmaceutical companies , writing homework help least 100words reply to this discussion.I definitely believe that pharmaceutical companies should strictly advertise to doctors and physicians. I have always felt like prescription drugs shouldnt be over publicized and marked up to create huge profit margins for pharmaceutical companies. No one should have to pay absurd amounts of money to be healthy and feel better from real aches, pains, and illnesses. If these drugs were marketed directly to the doctors and physicians, maybe they would be more inclined to listen to a patient complaints, and prescribesomething based solely off of the patients complaints and tests. I feel like when a patient inquires about a drug they've seen on tv, that it could make a doctorlazy and prescribe it to them a little easier. I also feel like people see advertisments and falsely believe that they could benefit from thesemedications, and ignore other reasearch that can lead to better options for their issues. I think that if someone really has an issue that they cant ignore, they should do their own research which is what they could take to doctors to recieve more information, and get a more specified recomendation of medications. But advertisments are made solely for the purpose to persuade people into purchasing the products shown, regardless of if they actually need them, and this is a least 100words reply to this discussion I personally believe pharmaceutical companies should not be permitted to advertise to the public. The question itself gives away the reasons supporting my answer. These ads do in fact cause people to over medicate themselves instead of seeing professional help. I witnessed this first hand when I lived in Guatemala. The village where I lived wouldn't go to the doctor instead the hundreds of ads would tell them to drink a pill every four hours or drink this medicine. The people there didn't know any better and in some cases would end up having adverse effects from the medicine because they used it ineffectively or it wasn't quite right for them. These advertisements also cause word to mouth advertisements which only double and triple the amount of popularity the products had and increase the amount of people using them. These companies should not be allowed to advertise to the general public for this reason. Let doctors and trained professionals be the ones to prescribe and suggest the usage of these pharmaceutical products because while they might cause problems here in our immediate surrounding they also cause problems in other parts of the world. (I am talking ina general sense i.e. In general pharmaceutical companies everywhere should not be allowed to advertise to the public) least 200words discussion talk about Favorite can search information online
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