30 Simple Questions about engineering, writing homework help
11- Where do companiesget the money to cover their overhead such as Paid vacations. Paid Holidays,etc?12- Lets imagine that in 15 years you will have a company with 30 employees.How many hours do you need to pay for for a single day holiday which is paid byyour company?13- If the average billing rate was $100, how much money do you need to haveset aside to pay your employees for this single day paid holiday.14- If the Pay rate of an engineer is $30/Hour and she has one week worth ofpaid vacation, how much money does she get paid for her paid vacation?15- What do "SD" and "DD" mean in the engineering contract?16- What is the meaning of a "Contract"?17- Which phase of the engineering contract is the most labor intensive?18- Do all engineering require knowledge of technical drawings?19- What is a "concept"?20- When it comes to quality control, does the quality control happen at thesame time alongside of the engineering phases or is a totally different phase?21- What is an Aqueduct?22- What is a “Kariz” or “Cariz”?23- What is a "Qanat"?24- Is the following True or False:”There are governmental agencies who review the engineering works forcompliance to the latest health and safety codes”25- What is "UL"?26- What is the meaning of "UEC", “UMC” and “UPC”?27- What are the primary tasks of an Aerospace Engineer?28- What are the primary tasks of an Electrical Engineer?29- What are the primary tasks of a Plumbing Engineer?30- Why Pluming Engineering has become so important in the modern world andwhat do we owe to this field?31- Identify 5 important items that are essential for you to continue andremain a life long learner?32- Why do we need to continue to educate ourselves in the field we are inafter finishing our formal education?33- Identify and name 5 important tasks that will help us succeed in studyingengineering (Refer to your text book for great deal of materials)34- Is the following statement True or False:In many occasions working in a foreign land experience will result in coming upwith more creative solutions that other times.35- In your response to the question 34 state why?36- What is "Bidding"?37- Can you negotiate a contract for a publicly funded project?38- How many types of bidding are there?39- Research and provide a one page summary of What was the "IndustrialRevolution".40- Research and identify the importance of a Building called "CrystalPalace" built in 1851 Victorian England. (one page summary) touch upon thesystems involve and the new inventions in this building.
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