Law enforcement(observation), law homework help
1. You need to putthe essay within the format of an observationLaw enforcement(observation)Plan on going to the base main gate to watch while theyconduct vehicles search and my back up plan is to do a ride-alongLength is 4-5 pages APA formatSample Student #3Observation of Corrections OperationsAs soon as I entered the United States Disciplinary Barracks(U.S.D.B.) at fort Leavenworth Kansas I felt like I had made a transition fromSoldier to inmate. The U.S.D.B. is theonly maximum security correctional facility in the Department of Defense andtherefore is the oldest penal institution in continuous operation in theFederal system. This facility started operations in May 1875 and continues tothis date (Defense, 2012). The currentfacility is not the original building (that is down the road on FortLeavenworth) but a state of the art facility that was first opened in2001. At first glance you might think ofa military prison and think of guard towers and inmates being housed in largebays like popular movies would depict, but this facility is actually muchdifferent and is even referred to as being a “campus lifestyle” environment.All of the military branches house their inmates here thathave a sentence of approximately 5 or more years, making this essentially ajointly run facility. In addition tothis I was surprised to see the large amount of civilian employees at thefacility; including many that are in leadership roles.As I accompanied my escort through the prison I noticed thatthe inmates are able to walk around the facility like students going to andfrom class. They are not escorted orplaced in restraints unless they are considered dangerous. Also facilitating is that the guards workingin the facility are not armed and only have a radio or whistle to protectthemselves. Considering the worst of theworst is housed in this facility I thought this was odd but I was assured thatmostObservation of Corrections Operations 3correctional institutions are run like this and there is amutual level of trust between the inmates and the guards. When this level of trust is broken than theinmate is placed in a Special Housing Unit or “SHU” as it is commonly referredto in the correctional system.This facility is not the stereotypical military prison andeven has vocational programs for the inmates housed there. Training includes carpentry, barber school,embroidery shops, engraving and graphic arts, printing, sheet metal, welding,and auto repair (Army, 97, p. 29). Afterabout an hour of convincing, while at the prison I even received a haircut froman inmate serving a life sentence that cut my hair using scissors and a razor.I discovered that aside from military regulations thisfacility is required to follow guidelines and standards set forth by the AmericanCorrectional Association (ACA). The ACAis the oldest and largest correctional association in the world with a missionto shape the future of corrections through strong, progressive leadership thatbrings together various voices and forges coalitions and partnerships and toset forth standards for all prisons to follow (ACA, 2013). Mr. Grande a civilian working in the prisonfeels that being accredited is extremely important and is undoubtedly the wayahead for the military (Grande, 2008, p. 22). I discovered that this is important because it helps reduce the rate ofrecidivism of the inmate population. With the U.S.D.B. motto being “our Mission, your future” (Sapp, 1981) Ithink it was important to look at why they felt the need to reduce recidivismand how it affected society as a whole. Every inmate leaves the U.S.D.B. eventually; alive or dead. And every person that leaves the facility isa direct reflection of not only the military, but also the facility that theywere housed in. The programs offered inthis facility are set up to reduce the chances of them returning. TheObservation of Corrections Operations 4results of a study conducted by the Indiana Department ofCorrection (IDOC) demonstrated “that an offender who has not attendedcorrectional education programs during incarceration is approximately 3.7 timesmore likely to become a recidivist offender after release from IDOC custodywhen compared with an offender who has participated in a variety ofcorrectional education programs during incarceration” (Nally, Lockwood,Knutson, & Taiping, 2012, p. 20).To reflect on my journey into the U.S.D.B. it makes mythankful for the opportunity to see a part of the military that most people don’tget to see. Although it is not gloriouswork, I give credit to the young men and women that work in that facility. They do face threats from gangs and unrulyinmates and it’s because of their professionalism and dedication that the restof the military can continue to fight the war on terror. Observation of Corrections Operations 5ReferencesACA, A. C. (2013). American Correctional Association Home.Retrieved from American Correctional Association: (97). USDB prepares inmates for life after lockup.Army Reserve Magazine, 43(1). doi:9710250356Defense, D. O. (2012). Retrieved from United StatesDisciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas:, P. J. (2008). The U.S. Disciplinary Barracks Leadsthe Military in Professional Certification. Corrections Today, 70(6).Nally, J., Lockwood, S., Knutson, K., & Taiping, H.(2012, April). An Evaluation of the Effect of Correctional Education Programson Post-Release Recidivism and Employment: An Empirical Study in Indiana.Journal of Correctional Education, 63(1), pp. 69-89. Retrieved from 0740-2708Sapp, D. E. (1981). "Our Mission, Your Future":The United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas : anOverview. University of Minnesota.
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