Explain the significance of the fact that the Nevada constitution is lengthier t
1) Explain the significance of the fact that the Nevada constitution islengthier than the U.S. Constitution. Why is it lengthier and what doesthis mean for the Nevada judges as they do their jobs of interpretingthe state constitution compared to federal judges?(2) Compare how much power Nevada's governor has in the state politicalsystem compared to the president's power within the national system ofgovernment. Consider formal powers (veto, pardon, who they get toappoint or not, such as Secretary of State, judges, etc.). (3) Explain how Nevada's legislature is constrained by Nevada's forms ofdirect democracy (i.e., the initiative, referendum, recall, and statuteaffirmation) and its constitutional mandate to meet only every otheryear for 120 days, etc.(4) Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Nevada's system for electingjudges compared to the so-called Merit Plan (i.e., "Missouri Plan", orsimilar plan) used in other states, as well as the U.S. national systemfor appointing
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